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World News

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NY Times

Young protesters in Yemen squared off against security forces on Sunday, and some marched on the presidential palace here, witnesses said, as a third day of demonstrations sought to emulate the revolution in Egypt.

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Two political prisoners who had refused to leave prison were freed against their wishes on Saturday as Cuba released more jailed government opponents. Hector Maseda and Angel Moya were among the last of 52 prisoners President Raul Castro agreed to

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Free Patriot Press

Hosni Mubrak has resigned as President of Egypt, now there is talk of whether or not he will be tried for “Crimes Against Humanity.” The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Explanatory Memorandum states, Crimes Against Humanity "are par

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Few things to date have energized popular Egyptian protests against President Hosni Mubarak as much as the emotional interview given by Wael Ghonim, a 30-year-old Egyptian internet activist, almost immediately after his release from 12 days of detent

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After 18 days of protests, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has given in to demonstrators and handed power over to the military, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced on state-run TV today.

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NY Times

Yet they brought a sophistication and professionalism to their cause — exploiting the anonymity of the Internet to elude the secret police, planting false rumors to fool police spies, staging “field tests” in Cairo slums before laying out their battl

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Thousands of state workers and impoverished Egyptians launched strikes and protests around the country over their economic woes as anti-government activists sought to expand their campaign to oust President Mubarak despite warnings from the vice pres

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