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World News

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North Korea is responsible for the disruption of GPS signals in some part of South Korea's capital region last week that caused malfunctions in mobile phones, media reports quoted officials as saying on Sunday. Communications officials could not s

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The Political Commentator

No-Fly Zone? How's that decision coming? Dither (def.): to be uncertain or indecisive The term dither has been used many times in the past to describe the approach the Obama administration takes in making critical decisions concerning US forei

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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From the very beginning the US-backed Libyan unrest played out in oafish measures, crutched along by the most irresponsible, intellectually dishonest “journalism” to date.

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Eric Garris, founder and director of, discusses why the Libyans had better hurry up with deposing Col. Gaddafi, before they get unsolicited “help” from the US or NATO

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It is difficult to conceive of how a nation that was founded to defend individual rights and liberties has moved so far from its moorings that it has now embraced exporting democracy and nation building worldwide as its principal raison d’etre.

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Antiwar Radio host Scott Horton appeared tonight (02/28) on Fox Business Channel’s Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano. The topic is Libya. Freedom Watch airs at 8pm ET and 11pm ET, Monday through Friday.

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For a number of years, I have been writing and speaking about the decentralizing forces that are bringing about the collapse of our highly-structured, institutionalized society.