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World News

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(Reuters) - Oil held near 2-1/2 year highs on Tuesday, with worries about turmoil in Libya that sent prices soaring the previous session eased by expectations that OPEC and the International Energy Agency could meet any shortfall in oil supplies.

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Terrence Aym

The poorest country in the world has one lever at its command to move the rest of the world: nuclear weapons. The powers in Pyongyang, North Korea have decided to move that lever again by beginning the construction of two new tunnels—perhaps more—at

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Egypt has been a pressure cooker for decades. Like others in the region, the Mubarak regime was been sitting atop a simmering political crisis, simultaneously attempting to contain rising Islamist violence and snuffing out pockets of political resis

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Office workers trapped under their collapsed buildings sent messages to the outside as rescuers with dogs scrambled to save them and dozens of others following a powerful earthquake that killed at least 65 in one of New Zealand's largest cities. A

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Protesters in Libya have defied a security crackdown and taken to the streets in four cities for a "day of rage," inspired by uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, reports say. Several hundred supporters of Muammar Gaddafi, the country's longtime leader

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The President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, resigned from his post last week handing over power to the armed forces, supposedly. In a television address, Omar Suleiman announced that the president had “waived” his office and handed over authority to the S

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
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The Egyptian people in Liberation Square celebrated, the world leaders weighed in, and the global media parroted the tale of “history in the making.” The big bad Hosni Mubarak has”listened to the voices of the Egyptian people” and has bowed to their