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Pro-Mubarak Supporters Identified As Agent Provocateurs

• therealnewsnow
Pro-Mubarak supporters stormed Tahrir Square earlier today in a violent confrontation with anti-government protesters who want the Egyptian president to resign. The violence, which occurred shortly after President Mubarak gave a speech on Egyptian television, seemed to have been “choreographed” said Peter Beaumont, a Guardian journalist reporting live from the ground in Cairo. Many citizens, journalists and governments now believe pro-Mubarak supporters may be agent provocateurs. Currently, over 1500 people have been injured in the escalating protests. What is an agent provocateur? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary , an agent provocateur is “a person employed to encourage people to break the law so they can be arrested.” Provocateurs have also been known to incite violence, create coups and deliver misinformation to the public. In 2009, military police who were involved with the G-20 summit in London called for an investigation into whether police used agent provocateu