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Sudanese police fired tear gas and beat women protesting outside a Sudanese court during the trial of a female journalist accused of violating the Islamic dress code by wearing trousers in public.Police moved in swiftly and dispersed about 50 protesters, mostly women, who were supporting Lubna Hussein, a former U.N. worker facing 40 lashes on the charge of ''indecent dressing.'' Some of the women demonstrators wore trousers in solidarity with Hussein while others wore more traditional dress.

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Times Online

Leading researchers warned that mankind might lose control over computer-based systems that carry out a growing share of society’s workload, from waging war to chatting on the phone, and have already reached a level of indestructibility comparable with a cockroach.

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By Steve Connor, Science Editor, The Independent

The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading energy economist has warned. Higher oil prices brought on by a rapid increase in demand and a stagnation, or even decline, in supply could blow any recovery off course, said Dr Fatih Birol, the chief economist at the respected International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, which is charged with the task of assessing future energy supplies by OECD countries.

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Mr. President, you  promised the American people that you are "committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Govt.So again I ask, why not live out that transparency promise by posting your original birth certificate and end the division and debate?

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American Resistance Movement

This is an American resistance movement production …showing all of America the images and sounds that haunt the minds of patriots……. fueling us to push forward and fight for our constitutional rights.  

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Security forces hunted door-to-door for Islamic militants in northern Nigeria after killing more than 100 of them by storming the sect's compound. A top rights group said innocent people were getting executed in the process.

The government, which blames the Boko Haram sect for instigating days of violence in the mostly Muslim region, shelled and stormed the group's mosque and headquarters Wednesday night, setting off a raging firefight with retreating militants.

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American Chronical

Since the Swine Flu 'pandemic' allegedly began, it hasn't made any sense. Now the WHO is reportedly refusing to release the minutes of a key meeting, that involves executives from Pharmaceutical companies standing to make billions in profits. The WHO claims there are no minutes of the meeting that took place on July 7th -- a meeting in which guidelines on the 'need' for worldwide vaccinations adopted by the WHO were formulated by the executives of large Pharmaceutical companies. One of the UK government's top advisors -- who was among the first UK 'experts' to call the outbreak a pandemic -- on Swine Flu is reportedly a sitting board member of GlaxoSmithKline, offering more evidence of the deadly fraud being perpetrated against the world's population by their governments.

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Freedom Fighter Radio

Equipment being offloaded at a local trucking yard in Brunswick County, NC. All equipment, aside from one utility trailer, was painted in a woodland camo scheme.

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11.  

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Photo radar cameras in Germany get smaller and sneakier, with guard-rail cams, bucket cams, and more. (With fraudalicious pics)

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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Buffalohair Gazette International

Daw Aung Suu Kyi of Burma is not looking to be rescued and liberated from bondage contrary to the well meaning world. If that were the case she would have been released from incarceration and shipped out of the country, never to return. She is standing for her nation and the thousands of political prisoners. Likened to the woefully misguided John William Yettaw, the world press is filled with rhetoric and inadvertently promoting the sham 2010 election. The notion Burma’s proposed election is anywhere near legal is totally incorrect at the very least and contrary to international law, plain and simple. The criminal regime of Gen. Than Shwe’s regime does not fall into any category within the context of legitimate nations by any means. It’s merely a band of thugs who’ve made a mockery of international law in the face of an impotent world. To hear world leaders continue to ask for Aung San Suu Kyi’s release so the bogus election can continue with legitimacy is nothing more than a contra

News Link • Global Reported By Carlos Guevara
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