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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Special message to the Bilderbergers: It is over, you have no place to hide on this planet

• Freedom Fighter Radio
To the self-appointed world rulers at the Bilderberg meeting: you must by now realize it is over. Your final attempt to betray the world to a nasty Chinese faction has been rejected both by the Chinese and the rest of the world. You will soon lose the remnants of your US power base.  

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
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I love your enthusiasm, I commend you on your energy and I wish you luck in your fight.  Sadly, the fight hasn't even started and we, the sheeple, have already lost the war.  Last time I checked, they were in control and the assimilation of the planet was continuing in a smooth, orderly and accelerated fashion.  Nobody knows, nobody cares.  We're done!  Resistance is futile.

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