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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Today on - May 4th 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Why Not Feel Sorry for the Oil Company?
Murray N. Rothbard on an earlier spill.
Will China Crash Within a Year?
Marc Faber thinks the property bubble is about to bust. Article by Shiyin Chen and Haslinda Amin.
Big Government Leads to Civil Unrest
In Greece, public debt, taxes, and a bloated public sector push people into the dirt. Who's next?
Must Catholics Oppose the Free Market?
Of course not. Article by Tom Woods.
Leeches Stop Leeching
Well, not quite, but they did freeze their own pay. Article by Ron Paul.
The Ron Paul Fundraising Phenom
The establishment still doesn't get it. Article by Andrew Kreighsbaum.
Cities and Civilization
Tom Schmidt on Mises, Rothbard, and Jane Jacobs.
No One Cares
About making war on the people of Afghanistan. Article by Chris Hedges.
Border Guards Rough Up a Shopper
J.D. Tuccille on a Canadian's not untypical experience.
Panic, Fighting Over Water
The Boston emergency underscores the need to be prepared.
Millions of Retirees and Medical Tourists Wanted
By Mexico. Article by Andreas Oppenheimer.
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Get 10 hours of sleep a night.