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Chess champ didn't father love child


REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 18 (UPI) -- The late U.S. chess champion Bobby Fischer wasn't the father of a 9-year-old Filipino girl named Jinky Young, a court in Iceland has been told.

The Reykjavik District Court received results of a DNA analysis indicating the chess master did not father a love child with Jinky's mother, Marilyn Young, the Iceland Review reported Wednesday.

The Supreme Court of Iceland ordered in June that Fischer's remains be exhumed from a remote graveyard in southern Iceland so a doctor could obtain a biological sample needed to settle the paternity question.

Fischer left no will when he died in Reykjavik in 2008, 35 years after beating Russian Boris Spassky in a chess match promoted as "cold war rivalry."

Fisher became a citizen of Iceland a few years before his death.