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IPFS News Link • World News

Gulf Oil: Proven Solution Restores Environment in Just Six Weeks – So, why are we not using it?

• Farm Wars
You cannot convince me that the people who are handling the BP fiasco do not know about this. Maybe they are simply waiting for our fresh and natural food supply to die off so that they can pump us full of even more of their manufactured GMO garbage and make millions of dollars doing so before cleaning up “their” environment. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

I'm working on getting this company on the radio for tomorrow. I remember this being a solution in the past and mentioned it on the radio today (and when this first happened too I'm sure).

My real interest is 'Why haven't they done this already?'.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Another fantastic post Barb!

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