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IPFS News Link • World News



First of all, what's not to love about a site called "Statism Watch". I've followed this site for over a year now. It seldom, if ever, disappoints.

From the site:
Perhaps you’ve heard. From June 26-27 the G20 will be occupying Toronto’s downtown core, disrupting business, traffic, and generally being an expensive nuisance. You may have heard there will be protests. And that the protesters don’t like capitalism.

The only problem with that, is that the G20 is not capitalism. It’s not even like capitalism. And many of the protesters, while well intentioned, aren’t looking to contest the legitimacy of this global council that elected itself el supremo last year – they simply want their items on the agenda.*

StatismWatch is a really great news portal site featuring massive cross-referencing between articles. Pick a topic and check it out!

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Oyate
Entered on:

Disregard that last statement I cuck socks.

Like the libertarian crowd ever did anything exciting like that you guys go ahead and show up in crowds possibly reaching the double digits and cause some trouble.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Supplemental tip: stay the hell away from it.

Our REFRAINING FROM ACTION, such as hostile scenes like RNC, DNC and G-20 summits, has served us well in the past.

Mass action is fun and part of our future but hostile scenes remain abnormal to us.
