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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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Article Image, By Jeff Deist

I promised you some optimism today. Perhaps one of the most optimistic libertarians ever was Murray Rothbard, a happy intellectual warrior if ever there was one.

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When I finally logged in, it was like witnessing a miracle. The variety! The selection! "Crack?" I said to myself. "I can buy crack here? I've never even seen crack in real life!" I was awestruck. For a few hundred dollars, I could have reams of

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L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

Many people, despite our evolved state and position as the dominant species on our little spaceship Earth, live their lives like animals. We have given a myriad of opportunities made available by the "evolutionary brain explosion" and still,

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When I attack the state, most people will respond as though I've just kicked their inner child in the balls. To most, the state takes on the role of a father figure, a stern institution that is fundamentally looking after their best interests.

Article Image Fascist Nation

Running for office allows exposing people to my ideas. From time to time something occurs that makes it so worth the effort. I received a delightful email from someone who caught me in a hypocrisy, and my reply to them.

The following aphorisms are the work of libertarian novelist L. Neil Smith. They have been the bedrock for libertarian activism in Arizona for the last 10 years (since 1994 - now going on 20 years, this was written a while ago) and are the best expla

Article Image, By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"Libertarianism is logically consistent with almost any attitude toward culture, society, religion, or moral principle.

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by Wendy McElroy

It is voting season and a fever of straw hats is falling. Hundreds of 'libertarians' have jumped out of the crazy closet in their candidate costumes that are emblazoned with "this time for sure!" Hundreds of thousands more will tick a box

The following aphorisms are the work of libertarian novelist L. Neil Smith. They have been the bedrock for libertarian activism in Arizona for the last 10 years (since 1994 - now going on 20 years, this was written a while ago) and are the best expla

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There are several aspects of this Ray Rice story that are worthy of comment; for example, the power of a video in the outrage toward Rice as opposed to the lack of power in the written word in the lack of outrage toward Floyd Mayweather, ....

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The late Nobel Laureate James Buchanan argued that individuals will continue to advocate for policies that reduce prosperity, cripple civil liberties, and grow the size of government. The reason—people are afraid to be free.