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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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The zombie genre is great because most of the time the government is already irrelevant to the story. No one understands better than a zombie fan that the phrase “we’re from the government and we’re here to help” is a bad omen

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Be that as it may, for several reasons, my concern has always been that libertarianism is more than just a political movement, and that if some kind of broader culture didn't begin to grow up around it, then it would die. If, however, it became a cul

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As libertarianism begins to gain in popularity and seep into the youth culture, there is increasing pressure from certain strains of the movement to attempt to modify the theory and transform it into something that it is not.

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The issue of freedom is the issue of production. Production is what we do. And until men and women are free to do it–without regulation, without permission, without being forced to denominate it in fake loans for future slavery, without having the

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The legal concept of the precedent, whereby judicial decisions in one case are binding upon future cases, is utterly flawed, and should be abolished. The entire way Voluntaryists think about Stateless justice needs to change if we ever want our ideas

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Cass Sunstein quotes Sean Wilentz, who reinvents Richard Hofstadter’s “paranoid style of American politics” into the small-minded, counter-intellectual smear of “paranoid libertarian.”

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The New York Times, whistling past the financial graveyard, paused over the weekend to smear the Mises Institute, Ron Paul, our other scholars, hardcore libertarianism, and me.

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Strike The Root

But today--today!--they arrived. I knew as soon as I saw the envelope with the return address: Missouri Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Department. My hands trembled as I ripped it open--and there they were: glorious yellow, highly reflective,
