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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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We will be hosting another Freedom Summit February 14-16, 2014 - Lots of great speakers confirmed - topics ranging from 3D Printing, Anarchy, Precious Metals/Alternative Currencies, Aquaponics, Alternative Energy, Agenda 21, Urban Farming, Healthcare

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Hey guys! It's been a while, but we're finally back with another short film! This one is called, "Liberation!" The trailer doesn't give much away, but I think you guys will REALLY enjoy it!

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by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

There are two Americas. People who live in other countries and don't know this, need to understand it. People who live in this country are even less likely to be aware of the difference, although, if there is to be a tolerable future—or any future at

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20 Years of State Terror, Anthony Gregory on the legacy of Waco / Worried About Falling Gold Prices? Ron Paul isn't / The Gold Drop, The bears are wrong, and so are the bulls, says Doug Casey / 'College Is a Scam' / Can you beat the NSA-Facebook caba

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Mike Wasdin

Marc J. Victor speaking at the Students for Liberty 420 Event at Arizona State University. Marc talked to a large crowd about freedom and the right to control your own body, He explained that the government has no right to wage a war on marijuana or

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Mike Wasdin

In honor of 420 our guest today is criminal defense attorney Tom Dean. Tom Dean is known as the Marijuana Attorney because his practice is limited to marijuana cases.

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Marc J. Victor

When it comes to marijuana, some of our elected officials are confused about who they represent. When proposition 200 was passed in 1996, it deleted the prison option for first time marijuana users and mandated drug counseling instead. Despite the ob

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Attorney For Freedom

Attorney Marc J. Victor discusses the legal system, Jodi Arias, Elizabeth Johnson and Libertarian philosophy with Judge John Buttrick.