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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

There is a world next door. A world in which people look up at the sound of an engine in the sky or the sight of wings, and marvel, as they used to do, instead of wondering if a sinister machine has been sent to spy on them or kill them.

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Recently, in this column, I have been trying to illustrate concrete ways libertarianism works in real life, each and every day, sometimes for people who don’t even realize they are behaving as libertarians.

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As you may know already, the Tea Parties that rattled our keepers so thoroughly in 2009 began with an offhand remark made by some politician on the radio[*]. I can't remember who it was. I have tried to find out, but there are now at least a dozen in

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In this land of opportunity every individual would be encouraged to contribute to the economic system and would be rewarded according to that contribution.

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Attorney For Freedom

To be clear, Thomas Jefferson is one of my heroes. I find the man fascinating for many reasons. He is solidly in the top tier of historic people I would have liked to meet. Although I disagree with him on some points, much of what he said I agree wit

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L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

We lost this thing the very moment that one individual member of the species homo sapiens accepted the authoritarian assertions of another member of the species homo sapiens over his own life (which is his right), but then agreed not only to accept,

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Attorney For Freedom Show

Join Marc Victor, Mike Wasdin and David Dorn as they pull back the curtain on the big government nightmare known as "ObamaCare"

Article Image The Libertarian Enterprise

A great deal of Alongside Night's effect rests on Kevin Sorbo's Herculean shoulders. He brings to the work a look and feel of style and grace, of warmth and strength, of gravitas and dignity that it might otherwise have lacked. He's the real thing.

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As I have noted in my “Failure of the Libertarian Movement article,” libertarians have generally limited their activities to marginally useful areas like politics and economics but have seldom used them to illuminate and free the human spirit.

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A heinous act is committed in Oklahoma City -- the bombing of a federal building in which many lives, including those of a dozen innocent children, are blasted away -- and the spokesmen of both established political parties see nothing in it but anot

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It's often been observed that the first casualty of war is the truth. But that's a lie, too, in its way. The reality is that, for most wars to begin, the truth has to have been sacrificed a long time in advance.

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The International Libertarian

What? Has the International Libertarian gone crazy? No, here's the story. Michael Lind published a couple of articles trying desperately to discredit libertarianism. (See The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer and Grow Up, Libertarians) He thi

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe