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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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Make no mistake, we are engaged in an epic struggle. We are in fact engaged in a mythic struggle. I believe that Prof. Joseph Campbell, student of human nature and author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, can give us a road map to what happens next.

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The title of this post is taken from chapter 15 of Murray Rothbard’s “For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto.” Throughout the book, Rothbard has laid out the case for the libertarian solution to the problems of politics and government.

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The Truth About Psychiatry / Orwell's Nightmare Is Coming True / It's Not Shootings, It's gun ownership that they/them/those hate / Don't Believe the Government About This, Either Peter Schiff on inflation propaganda / Is Russia USSR Freer Than the W

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KQCK Radio

The Attorney for Freedom Show with special guest Alma Sommer. Guns, guns, guns...we can't seem to get away from this topic. Marc talks about Obama's new plan to grab guns by Executive Order. Alma tells everyone about The Agorist Marketplace and much

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