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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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Over the holidays I got a call from the elderly woman who lives in a tiny bungalow next door to my tiny boyhood home in a tiny suburb of St. Louis. She was a neighbor to my parents for 60 years and stays in touch with me, and I visit her whenever I

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Why Do Neocons Hate LRC? / We Must Rebuild Society, says Ron Paul / Break Your Chains, says Gerald Celente / Anti-Gun Types Are Full of Hate / Government Is Their God, Bill Anderson on the Progressives / Sibel Edmonds

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Two recent studies in evolutionary biology (discussed in Scientific American) concern the problem of why not all individuals cheat: “A key problem when trying to understand the evolution of cooperation has been the issue of cheaters.”

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Bleeding Heart Libertarians

The history of gun control in this country is an interesting one, and a struggle where guns were used to prevent tyranny was in the case of the civil rights movement. Guns played a huge role in curbing the oppression of black individuals by the state

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Lew Rockwell blog

Children who grew up in an environment in which they have negotiated and be compensated for the terms of their relations with others, enjoy a sense of self-control that is troublesome for institutional interests that prefer to treat people as

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youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog)

People don't like to think that anyone's labor is worth less than the minimum wage. Someone might end up flipping burgers for $5.00 an hour. You might think the minimum wage is a way of paying some sort of dignity premium -- hence language like "livi

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Bombing the Gaza Prison Camp - A classic Ron Paul interview / The America That Was - The United Police State replaced it, says Doug Casey / A US-Brokered Middle East Peace? - What a joke, says Pat Buchanan / What's Pushing Silver?