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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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Dear Creep, An open letter to Lindsey Graham, from Glenn "Kane" Jacobs / De Facto Gun Control? / Guns of Blackbeard / The Dictator Is a Drone Assassin / War Propaganda Continues / Is the Fed Lying About Its Gold? / International War on Cash

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I was reminded of Animal Farm recently when I flew into my home airport. As I was walking to the parking lot, I noticed a very nice, expensive car parked in the “Authorized Cars Only” area of the airport. This parking area is much closer to the termi

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History demonstrates that there is nothing, not policemen, not armies, not Hadrian's Wall, not the Berlin Wall, not even the Great Wall of China, that can stop a folk migration.

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KQCK Radio

Today on The Attorney For Freedom Show. We discussed the Arias Trial, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent bad ruling regarding the 4th Amendment, the upcoming “itty bitty” 1% budget cuts, and freedom generally.

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Where Is Germany's Gold?, Peter Schiff shock waves at the Fed / You'll Be Killed by the Medical-Pharma Complex, Not firearms, says Dave Hodges / All Those Guns and Ammo, Are they for Obama's civilian stormtroopers? / Gun Grabbers Are Nervous

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I first heard about the Free State Project in 2003 and signed the Statement of Intent in ’04. By 2007, I had graduated college and taken a job in Toronto. When my wife Vanessa and I needed our America “fix,” we started taking trips around Lake Ontari

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Geezer Conservatism, Time to bury it at sea / Do the One Thing, Gold and silver are your protection from Keynesian hocus-pocus, says Richard Daughty, the Mogambo Guru / I Couldn't Help Becoming an Anarchist / More Countries Want Their Gold Back