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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Can libertarianism heal the world? Libertarian activist, author, presidential candidate Mary Ruwart has written on this theme for more than two decades. What does she make of the current state of libertarianism? Where are we heading and where should

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Creepy Cops and Their Scanners / Vaccinations That Sicken and Worse / The Arrogant Elite / The Downing of TWA 800 / Mount Hillary Is About To Erupt / Bilderberg 2016 / Meet the Bosses / Sick Wall Street Creeps Will Self-Destruct / The Hate Crimes Enf

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LewRockwell.Com - Eric Peters

Libertarians face a tough choice this fall - chiefly because Libertarians have no desire to choose a "leader" for themselves or anyone else. The ideal choice would be to not have to choose at all. For us each to make choices for ourselves only

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A minarchist that wants the state to keep the borders open. A state that controls the borders for the benefit of the nation's posterity is the best argument for minarchism and yet Hornberger wants to retain the rump of a state merely to force the b

Article Image, by L. Neil Smith

A few years ago, the great libertarian artist Scott Bieser and I collaborated on the design for an ideological poster that hasn't received even a single percentage of the attention it actually deserves.

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Now that Mary Matalin and the mainstream media have mentioned the Libertarian Party as a possible alternative to the Republicrat Party, already there is misinformation about what libertarianism actually is.

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I was struck by a tweet from libertarian Republican congressman Justin Amash, who has become the "new Ron Paul" now that the three-time presidential candidate and libertarian icon has taken a well-deserved rest from politics.

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The United States of America is facing some major issues in the twenty-first century. The national debt is $18.5 trillion. The budget deficit is $500 billion. Homelessness is widespread in most major cities. Student-loan debt is more than a trillion

Article Image, By Walter E. Block

I had this idea that we libertarians should support Donald Trump for the nomination of the Republican Party for president, not because he was a libertarian, nor, even, because his views were very congruent with our philosophy.

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Lew Rockwell - Walter Block

I had this idea that we libertarians should support Donald Trump for the nomination of the Republican Party for president, not because he was a libertarian, nor, even, because his views were very congruent with our philosophy.

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To answer the question that is the title, we have to know of what the US consists. Is it an ethnic group, a collection of buildings and resources, a land mass with boundaries, or is it the Constitution. Clearly what differentiates the US from other c

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Libertarianism doesn't often attract attention from The Atlantic, but a recent article, "The Information Revolution's Dark Turn," features philosopher Alistair Duff who attacks libertarianism in general, and Murray Rothbard specifically.