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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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The recent secessionist referendum in Catalunya brought some strong negative reactions from several corners of the libertarian community. The reasons to be against such a referendum varied, from the idea that any group action is, inherently, not lib

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Ron Paul Institute - by laurence m. vance

Our two-party system makes it almost impossible for libertarians to get elected to office, especially on the national level. In order for libertarians to get elected to Congress, their best bet is to run as a Republican. Ron Paul is a perfect example

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LewRockwell.Com - Bionic Mosquito

Sheldon Richman has written a piece addressing secession: "TGIF: Is Secession by Referendum Libertarian?" I call it the libertarian road to nowhere, but this is standard fare and to be expected from many who self-describe as left-libertarians.

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Many people in Catalonia wish to secede from Spain and form their own country, but the Spanish government has used force to block them from doing so. What should libertarians think of this conflict? In trying to answer this question, it is useful to

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Libertarians and others who seek to be left alone to run their own lives habitually ask themselves the above question regarding their government.

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The Libertarian Forum, edited by Murray N. Rothbard from 1969 to 1984, had a small -- even tiny -- circulation but it forged the intellectual edifice known as libertarianism.

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Reformed Libertarian

Why is it that, among "beltway libertarian" Cato Institute leaders, there seems to be a sense of hostility toward the Mises Institute? Many new to libertarianism have even asked why Ron Paul, who is well known to be closely associated with the Mi

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The culture wars have infected every aspect of American life. It's not just Red vs. Blue anymore, or urban vs. rural, it's Antifa vs. the alt-Right--sometimes literally in the streets. Have libertarians lost the narrative in the midst of all this? A

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Recently, I wrote an article on lost causes on the Left. I began it with this quotation from a civil rights activist in the mid-1960's: Mel Leventhal.

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The Jack News

Nearly one year after his joint effort with Gov. Gary Johnson to offer an alternative and experienced ticket for president and vice president, Gov. Bill Weld is beginning to establish a more active political voice.

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Michael Badnarik

I will confess that I am more than a little disappointed with the fact that Libertarians generally do little more than give lip-service to Libertarian principles. This does not apply to every Libertarian, of course. Just a significant percentage of t

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Richard Boddie

As a founder of the Libertarian Party and editor-in-chief of California Liberty [back in the 1990s], I am often asked how to tell if someone is "really" a libertarian. There are probably as many different definitions of the word "libertarian" as ther

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Since nobody in his right mind sympathizes with Nazis (of all people), everyone is cheering at the example being made of various organizations that are losing various online services essential to their survival.

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Since nobody in his right mind sympathizes with Nazis (of all people), everyone is cheering at the example being made of various organizations that are losing various online services essential to their survival.
