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Philosophy: Libertarianism

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From my post on the positive aspects of Trump for those who favor libertarianism and decentralization - certainly when compared with the alternatives - I offer one of the several positive items: He questions trade deals. I understand the

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This book applies the economic principles of individualist anarchism, as developed in Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, to the study of the large organization.

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Attempting to apply libertarian theory in today's world (which is, at a minimum, complicated on the issue of open borders and immigration) without recognizing that the world is populated by humans is rather pointless. But this isn't the most won

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If you could change just five key aspects of US foreign policy to realign it toward the Founders' vision, what would you pick? How to make the other broken parts of our policy fall into place? Here are our top five fixes.

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Action This Day! Pat Buchanan's memo to Trump - Tools of the Oligarchy Paul Craig Roberts on the rioting Trump haters - President Trump's Private Air Force One The beautiful, mighty 757 - Do You Eat Egg-Whites Only? Stop it! The yolks are the hea

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The Fatal Flaw in Politics - This Is Going To End Badly, Buy gold now, says Marc Faber - Should Christians Vote? - Even If Trump Loses We win, says Pat Buchanan - Exit polling goes forward as Roger Stone is vindicated in federal courts - We the Peopl
