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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

The Libertarian Solution


Government spending continues to skyrocket. There are more than 45 million Americans receiving food stamps. Millions of Americans have stopped looking for work even as the number of government employees continues to grow. Real wages are stagnant. The United States is engaged in unending and expensive overseas military interventions. The nation's infrastructure is in need of massive repairs even as the American military destroys infrastructure in other countries. Racial tension is on the rise. More than 20 percent of the American population receives some kind of means-tested public assistance every month. Even families with two incomes are struggling to make ends meet. The United States has the world's largest prison population per capita. Tens of thousands of Americans are incarcerated for nonviolent crimes. Students are graduating from high school who are functionally illiterate. Americans are polarized politically as never before. The government increasingly regulates almost every area of commerce and life.

Liberals, Democrats, conservatives, and Republicans all agree with each other and with libertarians that the country has issues that need solutions. The trouble is that that is the only thing they agree on. Those on the Left have their solutions and those on the Right have their solutions. Sometimes their solutions are somewhat similar; some-times their solutions are completely different, but they are all united in their opposition to the solutions put forth by libertarians.