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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

Featured Speakers for PorcFest XXI


Dr. Paul captures audiences' attention by relating the occurrence of current national issues such as debt, privacy, and freedom to the government's neglect to follow the constitution. His unwavering passion leaves audiences motivated to speak out, wake up, and let politicians know what they want. Since his retirement from Congress, Dr. Paul has continued to work for limited constitutional government through organizations he founded, including the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE), Campaign for Liberty, and the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. In addition, Dr. Paul recently launched The Ron Paul Liberty Report, an online network airing original programming on today's most pertinent issues. Dr. Paul, the author of several best- selling books, most recently released Swords Into Plowshares, offering a personal refection on America's history of war, foreign intervention, and prospects for peace. (Note: this is a VIRTUAL EVENT that will be aired at the Pavilion)

Spike Cohen is a successful business owner, Libertarian activist, and media figure. He is the Founder and President of You Are The Power, a nonprofit focused on using solutions-oriented activism to grow the Liberty movement. Spike started a web design company as a teenager in 1998. In 2017, he retired from web design to focus on effective political messaging, entertainment, and activism. This culminated with him becoming Libertarian candidate for Vice President in 2020, where he traveled across the nation by plane and bus, meeting countless Americans and sharing the message of Liberty with them. Spike is a tireless advocate for freedom with a commitment to help grow the movement at the grassroots level, training candidates and activists in positive and principled messaging to explain libertarian ideas to everyday Americans, and working with elected officials to implement common-sense reforms to improve people's lives. Since the 2020 election, Spike has become a regular guest on cable news networks, nationally syndicated radio, international media outlets, and podcasts across the globe.