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WAR: About that War

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by Gareth Porter (AntiWar)

The supreme irony of President Bush's campaign to blame Iran for the sectarian civil war in Iraq, and attacks on US forces, is that the Shi'ite militias started to drive the Sunnis out of Baghdad in 2004 with the support of Iran and the neoco

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The Federal Reserve sent record payouts of more than $4 billion in cash to Baghdad on giant pallets aboard military planes shortly before the US gave control back to Iraqis. Bills weighing a total of 363 tons were loaded onto military aircraft in the

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US military officers offered their condolences to an Iraqi family south of Baghdad in a rare admission of error after killing 2 innocent Iraqis in an airstrike. Calling the incident a "tragic accident," the officers handed out $2,500 to the

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President Bush denied that his 2008 budget contained a hidden timeline for the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. Bush denied that he was setting a timeline for the end of the war by assuming that by 2009 war spending would be down to 50 billion doll

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Washington Times

A US-Iraqi offensive against militants in Baghdad will begin within days and take place on a scale never seen during 4 years of war, American officers said yesterday. A military spokesman, meanwhile, acknowledged for the first time that hostile fire

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Arizona Republic

The last word Monday night belong to Rawles, who thanked the speakers for expressing themselves but did not back down. "If I don't have the freedom not to stand for the pledge, standing for the pledge means absolutely nothing," he said.

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Like many of his colleagues, Abu Zaid was issued an Austrian-made Glock pistol when he joined the new US trained and equipped Iraqi police force. But after narrowly escaping death twice, including being shot at near a polling station in Baghdad.

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Washington Post

(brings to mind the phrase educated fool) Gen. David H. Patraeus, the new US commander in Iraq, is assembling a small band of warrior-intellectuals -- including a quirky Australian anthropologist, a Princeton economist who is the son of a former US a

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AntiWar (multiple video links)

YouTube gives some examples of why Iraqis may have a less than positive view of US occupiers. I am not only amazed at what some of these videos show, but also the fact that the soldiers who shot the videos were apparently proud of their behavior.

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A U.S.-Iraqi campaign to stabilize Baghdad will begin soon and the offensive against militants will be on a scale never seen during four years of war, American officers said. It's a multiple order magnitude of difference, not just a 30 percent, I

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A day after a large bombing attack killed or injured hundreds in Baghdad, smaller bombings continued to plaque the capital. Throughout the country, 113 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 125 were injured in various attacks. The U.S. militar

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New York Times

In January more than 1,900 people - soldiers, security officers and civilian - were killed in the insurgency in Iraq, up from 800 in January 2006. Many corpses showed signs of torture, meaning the victims were probably killed by religious and tribal

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The U.S. military is adjusting its tactics in Iraq after four helicopters were shot down over the past two weeks. The helicopters had been shot down in four separate incidents in which 21 U.S. servicemen and private security contractors were killed,

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Between 30,000 and 50,000 mercanaries are working in Iraq, making them the second largest military force after the occupying US. The case of Iraq "is a new manifestation of the use of mercenries that has caught the US by surprise",

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by Larisa Alexandrovna (at-Largely)

Apparently snippets of the Iran NIE are given a little corner inside the Iraq NIE just released (the declas parts of it). The consensus among all 16 intelligence agencies debunks the latest White House talking point (something along the lines of

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by Richard Curtis (Common Dreams)

The Navy intended us to know our obligations under the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Nuremberg Conventions. They have legal standing as US law having been ratified by our Senate.

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NY Times

The deputy director of force health protection and readiness at the Defense Department, said the previous method of tallying casualties was misleading and might have made injuries and combat wounds seem worse and more numerous than they really were.

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McClatchy News

President Bush's dispatch of 21,500 more troops to Iraq will cost as much as $10 billion this year, triple the administration's price tag, with the price tag reaching $49 billion if the added forces remain in Iraq for two years, according to

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by Aaron Glantz (AntiWar)

Senior Congressional Democrats are brushing off questions about cutting off funding for the Iraq war, and indicate they will do little to forcefully stop President George W. Bush from sending 21,500 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.
