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WAR: About that War

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Times of India

British army intelligence sources have said that terrorists attacking British bases in Basra, Iraq, were using aerial footage displayed by the Google Earth internet tool to pinpoint their attacks. Documents seized during raids on the homes

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Washington Post

The Kurdish makeup of 2 of the 3 Iraqi army brigades due to be sent to Baghdad under President Bush's new strategic plan is drawing concern from Iraqi and US experts. Questions have been raised about whether the Kurds would fight Sunni

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The Guardian

Increased US military activity in the Gulf is aimed at Iran's "very negative" behaviour, the Bush administration said. The defence secretary, Robert Gates, said the decision to deploy a Patriot missile battalion and a second aircraft ca

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Saudi Arabia believes the Iraqi government is not up to the challenge and has told the US that it is prepared to move its own forces into Iraq should the violence there degenerate into chaos, a senior US official told NBC News on Tuesday.

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U.S. troops, in possible violation of the Philippines' constitution, have taken part in combat operations against guerrillas linked to al-Qaeda, an activist group said. U.S. Embassy spokesman Matthew Lussenhop disputed the allegation.

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Washington Times

Rep. John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, announced plans to introduce legislation that would cut off funding for President Bush's proposed surge of American troops into Baghdad. "I think our hearings will show that even Republicans w

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NY Times

With the first wave of additional soldiers already arriving in Iraq to bolster a new campaign to secure this beleaguered capital city, the top American military commander warned it could take months before there are any signs of progress.

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The extra billion dollars of reconstruction aid in President Bush's Iraq plan won't go far in a country where electricity output still barely meets half the demand and oil production is falling short by almost a million barrels a day.

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Washington Post

Bush said he has the authority as commander in chief to move ahead with the deployment, regardless of what the Democratic-controlled Congress does in opposition.

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McClatchy News

President Bush and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more American troops to Iraq, are offering an incomplete, oversimplified and untrue version of events that raises questions about the accuracy of the administration's statements a

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Chicago Tribune

A non-binding resolution doesn't do much of anything but allow politicians to posture without much risk. It certainly gives reporters plenty of rhetoric to use in stories, but in the end, there's nothing to a non-binding resolution. They come

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NY Times

“We are implementing a strategy to embolden a government that is actually part of the problem,” said an American military official in Baghdad involved in negotiations over the plan. “We are being played like a pawn.”

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NY Times

Military operations in Somalia by American commandos, and the use of the Ethiopian Army as a surrogate force to root out operatives for Al Qaeda in the country, are a blueprint Pentagon strategists hope to use more frequently in counterterrorism miss

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Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed Turkey's right to send troops into Iraq to crush Kurdish rebels there and chided U.S. officials for questioning it. "The Turkish Republic will do whatever is necessary to combat the terrorists when th

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LA Tiems

Hours after President Bush announced his latest plan to shore up Iraq's beleaguered government, some Iraqis were hoarding weapons, prepared to fight additional U.S. troops alongside the militias they say protect them.

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LA Times

The military's new strategy for Iraq envisions creating "gated communities" in Baghdad — sealing off discrete areas and forcibly removing insurgents, then stationing American units in the neighborhood to keep the peace and working to cr

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