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WAR: About that War

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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a [edited] transcript released by the Pentagon.

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Tempers flared on Iraq among Democrats as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fielded criticism from an anti-war congresswoman over liberals' concern that the party is not doing enough to end the war. Exchange with Rep. Maxine Waters of California — descr

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Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki fears the Americans will withdraw support for his government — effectively ousting him — if parliament does not pass a draft oil law by the end of June. The legislature has not even taken up the draft measure for

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NY Times

Sunni militants burned homes in a mixed city northeast of Baghdad on Saturday and Sunday, forcing dozens of families to flee and raising the specter of a new intimidation tactic in Iraq’s evolving civil war, Iraqi officials and witnesses said.

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By Alexandra Zavis, LA Times Staff Writer

Hundreds of Shiite Muslims accompanied 17 coffins through Baghdad's main Shiite Muslim district today, demanding that militiamen be allowed to protect them after a wave of attacks blamed on Sunni Arab insurgents.

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The Observer

In a bleak analysis, senior officers described the fighters they were facing in Iraq and Afghanistan 'as smart, agile and cunning'. The world's only superpower is in danger of being driven back by a few tens of thousands of lightly armed

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The New Statesman

America won't simply be paying with its dead. The Pentagon is trying to silence economists who predict that several decades of care for the wounded will amount to an unbelievable $2.5 trillion.

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Boston Globe

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION has asked Congress to approve $93.4 billion in emergency funding for Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of 2007 and another $141.7 billion for next year. This, on top of a proposed 2008 defense budget of $481.4 billion.

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The US army is lagging behind Iraq's insurgents tactically in a war that senior officers say is the biggest challenge since Korea 50 years ago. The gloomy assessment at a conference in America last week came as senior US and Iraqi officials

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Asia Times(Michael Scheuer)

Afghanistan is again being lost to the West, even as a coalition force of more than 5,000 troops launches a major spring offensive in the south of the country. The insurgency may drag on for many months or several years, but the tide has turned.

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President Bush asked Congress on Saturday for $3.2 billion to pay for 8,200 more U.S. troops needed in Afghanistan and Iraq on top of the 21,500-troop buildup he announced in January. Bush wants Congress to fund 3,500 new U.S. troops to expand traini

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by Paul Craig Roberts (AntiWar)

U.S. casualties (dead and wounded) have now reached 27,000 in a war that was supposed to be a "cakewalk," over in a few weeks. If what four-star Gen. Wesley Clark, told Amy Goodman, U.S. casualties are yet in their early days.

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Vanity Fair

According to Gen. Newbold, there was something different, and alarming, about one particular briefing around that time: the topic. It was about going to war with Iraq. The war in Afghanistan was just under way; but what interested Rumsfeld now was Ba

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The Pentagon has approved a request by the new US commander in Iraq for an extra 2,200 militarypolice to help deal with an anticipated increase in detainees during the Baghdad security crackdown, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday.

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AntiWar blog

Joshua Key spent eight months as a U.S. soldier in Iraq. After reading this excerpt from his newly published book The Deserter’s Tale, I’m moved to ask an uncomfortable question. But first, a snippet:

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by Joshua Key

I was scared out of my wits that first day in Ramadi. Our own air force had just finished bombing these people, but as soon as we got out of our vehicles we began patrolling their streets, on foot. With nearly 100 lb. of weaponry, equipment and

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USA Today

A coalition airstrike destroyed a mud-brick home north of Kabul after a rocket attack on a U.S. base, killing nine people from four generations of an Afghan family, including a 6-month old baby, officials and relatives said. [Their fault.]