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WAR: About that War

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by Jacob Sullum (Reason)

After violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by eavesdropping on Americans without warrants for 5 years, the administration somehow found a way to obey the law without sacrificing our safety.

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Plain Dealer

Officially, 23,000 troops have been wounded in combat in Iraq. But more than double that number have fallen ill or been injured in what the Pentagon considers "nonhostile" action, a way of counting that hides the war's full toll.

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San Francisco Chronicle

The case for adding troops in Iraq -- and keeping them there -- rests on one basic assumption: As bad as things are now, they would become catastrophic if the United States leaves.

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Daily Telegraph

Corrupt police and tribal leaders are stealing vast quantities of reconstruction aid that is intended to improve the lives of ordinary Afghans and turn them away from the Taliban. Half of all aid is failing to reach the right people.

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by Joe Sobran

Some men around Bush and in the media saw their opportunity. They had been waiting and planning for years for a new war on Iraq, one that would “finish the job” they felt Bush’s father had left incomplete in 1991. All that remained was to connect Ira

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LA Times

The president relies on thousands of private soldiers with little oversight, a disturbing example of the military-industrial complex. The president mentioned a Civilian Reserve Corps. "Such a corps would function much like our military Reserve.

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Al Jazeera

Assad Abu Gilel, the governor of Najaf province, said US and Iraqi troops fought a day-long battle with up to 1000 fighters, including foreign fighters, holed up in orchards on the northern outskirts of the city.

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[never happen] Iraqi officials say a hotly debated proposed oil law will not favor Americans but acknowledge that foreign companies will be allowed to take their profits out of the country an incentive to draw foreign investment.

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The Independent

This is how the 1975-90 conflict began in Lebanon. Outbreaks of sectarian hatred, appeals for restraint, promises of aid from Western and Arab nations and a total refusal to understand that this is how civil wars begin.

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by Antoun Issa (AntiWar)

The "peaceful" general strike called by Hezbollah and its Christian allies has turned into a three-day violent sprawl that has left 10 dead and over 100 wounded. The latest four casualties being students caught up in Sunni-Shi'ite clash

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Daily Kos

CBS's Senior Foreign Correspondent in Baghdad, Lara Logan pleaded for them to air this video report from Iraq, but they were only willing to place it online at the CBS website. When you watch it you will see why. It doesn't fit the Bush/Che

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Testimony of Lt. Gen. William Odom

You [Congress] have asked me to address primarily the military aspects of the war. Although I shall comply, I must emphasize that it makes no sense to separate them from the political aspects. Military actions are merely the most extreme form of poli

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Rebuffing months of U.S. pressure, President Hamid Karzai has decided Afghanistan will not implement a Colombia-style program to spray the country's heroin-producing poppies, bowing to pressure from top Cabinet members who feared a popular backla

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Blair chose not to attend a parliamentary debate dissecting Iraq policy, sidestepping the spotlight on the deeply unpopular war. But before the session began, he said an opposition Liberal Democrats proposal to pull troops out was irresponsible.

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Iraqi and US forces have captured more than 600 fighters loyal to firebrand Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, the US military said, following a day of carnage that left 100 dead in a string of bombings in and around Baghdad.

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US-led forces have battled fighters in what they said was an operation to regain control of a major street cutting through the heart of Baghdad. Lamb said Wednesday's operation involved US forces and the Iraqi police and army.

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U.S. helicopters attacked gunmen holed up inside high-rise buildings in Baghdad in what the U.S. military said was an operation to regain control of a major street cutting through the heart of the city. [unoccupied of course ... oh, no?]

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Washington Post

Four months ago, about 80 oil company executives and consultants packed an office on St. James's Square in London for a briefing on exploration prospects in Iraq's Kurdish region and a Kurdish draft of an Iraqi national petroleum law.

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Christian Science Monitor

Burning barricades cast a black pall over Lebanon's deepening political crisis, as the Hizbullah-led opposition sharply escalated its campaign to topple the Western-backed government with a nationwide general strike.

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Christian Science Monitor

When Col. Baker commanded an Army brigade combat team responsible for a volatile area of Baghdad, he found that one of his most effective weapons was the handbill. In Iraq, handbills are an important way to disseminate information.

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4 of the 5 Americans killed when a US security company's helicopter crashed in a dangerous Sunni neighborhood in central Baghdad were shot execution style in the back the head, Iraqi and U.S. officials said. A machine gunner downed the helicopter

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by David MacMichael (Tom Paine)

The news that NCIS has recommended murder charges be filed against four marines for killing 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha in 2005 saddens and angers this Marine officer and, I am sure, other Marine combat veterans.
