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WAR: About that War

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

Rather than listening to the Baker-Hamilton commission, the petulant frat boy who imagines himself Winston Churchill at the height of World War II is far more likely to pay attention to the recommendations of another report, this one prepared by the

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LA Times

When U.S. forces killed the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab Zarqawi, six months ago in a village near here, they hoped security would improve in this strategic province just north of Baghdad. Instead, security has collapsed in Diyala provinc

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U.S. and Iraqi troops have cleared a small city in Iraq of residents and erected a 12-foot high dirt wall. Siniyah is a small town near a critical oil refinery that services northern Iraq and exports to Turkey and other locations. It suffered a

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by John Berthelsen (Asia Sentinel)

Last November 17, as George Bush visited Hanoi, he had some philosophical thoughts to deliver about the lessons he said the US had learned from the Vietnam War. "We'll succeed unless we quit," Bush told reporters. "We tend to want

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The Taliban will step up attacks on foreign troops in Afghanistan this year and kill anyone who negotiates with the government, a top rebel commander said. Taliban fighters staged a surprise comeback last year with the bloodiest violence since U.S.-l

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By Sarah Olson -

"I object to the Army's attempts to force my participation in their prosecution of political speech. This subpoena threatens to turn journalists into government investigators, erodes press neutrality, and ironically asks a journalist to buil

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[Undoubtedly scripted by your government.] A four-figure number hovers 50 feet over a busy Philadelphia street, visible in an office window. It changes maybe once or twice a day like the cost of something. [for a lie]

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Washington Post

Hussein used Iraq's oil money to provide unprecedented social services and infrastructure improvements to his country. He launched literacy and education campaigns, provided free schooling up to the university level and created the most modern pu

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Military Times Poll

For the first time, more troops disapprove of the president’s han dling of the war than approve of it. Barely one-third of service members approve of the way the president is handling the war, ac cording to the 2006 Military Times Poll.

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Washington Post

2 senior Iranian operatives who were detained by US forces in Iraq and were strongly suspected of planning attacks against American military forces and Iraqi targets were expelled to Iran. This has angered US military officials who say the operative

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Riverbend (Bahgdad Burning)

A day in the life of the average Iraqi has been reduced to identifying corpses, avoiding car bombs and attempting to keep track of which family members have been detained, which ones have been exiled and which ones have been abducted.

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[Dec. isn't over yet.] 3 more Marines and a soldier were killed in battle in Iraq, the military said, making December the year's deadliest month for U.S. troops with the toll reaching 108. At least 2,997 members of the U.S. military have been

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by Robert Scheer (TruthDig)

Why are we still in Iraq? The answers posted most widely on the Internet by critics of the war suggest its continuation as a naked imperial grab for the world’s second-largest petroleum source, but that is wrong. It’s not primarily about the oil; it’

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NY Times

“I have come to the conclusion that this is no longer America’s war in Iraq, but the Iraqi civil war where America is fighting,” Major Voorhies said. “I have personally witnessed about a half-dozen of these incidents of what I would call political pr

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World Tribune (kudos Steve A.)

The U.S. Army has launched an effort to recruit thousands of translators to facilitate training of Iraqi security forces. The army has awarded a [no bid?] contract for management of translation and interpretation services in Iraq to DynCorp

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Many of the American soldiers trying to quell sectarian killings in Baghdad don't appear to be looking for reinforcements. They say the temporary surge in troop levels some people are calling for is a bad idea. In dozens of interviews with soldi

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Washington Post

Former president Gerald Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that he "very strongly" disagreed with the current president's justifications for invading Iraq and said he would have pushed alternatives, such as sanctions, much
