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WAR: About that War

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Asia Times(Ehsan Ahrari)

Here are some plain truths about Iraq. As much as the Iraqis appreciated the toppling of a brutal dictator, they now hold the US presence as the chief reason for their continued misery and endless deaths. This is an unfair assessment, but it is als

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

The coming showdown between the U.S. and Russia, centered in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. Relations between Russia and Georgia, never good, degenerated recently when members of Georgian opposition parties were arrested, along with four Russ

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A leading Iraqi lawyer has accused the US army of throwing 211 families, including his, out of their homes. The head of the Union of Lawyers said that the US army has occupied his family's house and those of with dozens of other families in al-Ra

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by Dahr Jamail with Ali al-Fadhily

U.S. military tank fire killed scores of civilians in Ramadi, capital of Al-Anbar province according to witnesses and doctors. Anger and frustration were evident at the hospitals and during the funerals in the following days. Iraqi doctors and wit

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James Bovard(Bovard Blog)

Around the world, Washington think tanks have a reputation as the home of the best and brightest. Think tank pronoucements are often treated with the respect of elder statesmen. Unfortunetly, since 9/11 Washington think tanks have been in the foref

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U.S. Army Times

The US would have to slash combat forces in Iraq to 10 brigades by Christmas to keep the Army from breaking, said retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey. Saying he thinks “we’re stuck now,” he said that pulling out 5 brigades is not feasible.

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The Pentagon announced Friday that 57,000 U.S. troops, including five combat brigades, have been told to deploy to Iraq early next year a move that will maintain current force levels there. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld signed the deploymen

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by Sheldon Richman (FFF)

Before we get too nostalgic about the foreign-policy prowess of the George H.W. Bush administration, we should remind ourselves of what happened from 1989 through 1992. I understand that, compared to the bunch running things now, nearly anyone would

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Daily Mail

Tony Blair admitted that British intervention in Iraq has been a disaster last night - sending shockwaves through Westminster. In his frankest admission about the war to date, Mr Blair admitted that Western forces have been powerless to stop the d

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by Norman Solomon (AntiWar)

The present situation is grimly instructive for anyone who might wonder how the Vietnam War could continue for years while opinion polls showed that most Americans were against it. Powerful media institutions are spinning against a pullout of U.S. tr

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McClatchy News

Returning to the world stage after an election rebuke, President Bush told foreign leaders that he remains determined to "get the job done" in Iraq. "We're not leaving until this job is done, until Iraq can govern, sustain and defe

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Amid the sudden publicity, Rushing ran afoul of the Pentagon. After defending Al Jazeera in an interview with the Village Voice, in which he suggested that the network showed a more realistic image of the war than the American media, he was ordered t

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President George Bush has told senoir advisors that the US and it allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq and that instead of beginning a troop withdrawal next year, he may increase US forces by up to 20,000 soldiers, acco

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LA Times

AS SECTARIAN violence rises in Iraq and the White House comes under increasing pressure to revamp its strategy there, a debate is emerging inside the Bush adminstration: Should the US abandon its efforts to act as a neutral referee in the ongoing ci

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Democracy NOW!

As leading Democrats call on President Bush to soon begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq some Republicans are calling on more troops to be deployed. We host a debate on the issue with former Democratic presidential candidate and South Dakota senat

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Kidnappers tortured many of the dozens of hostages seized from a government building and killed some of them, a minister said warning he felt Iraq no longer has an effective government. Some 75 hostages remained in captivity after the raid by militia

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LA Times

A U.S. airstrike in the restive town of Ramadi killed at least 30 people, including women and children, witnesses said. Dr. Barakt Mansi, a Ramadi physician, said many of the bodies arriving at the city's morgue were shattered and charred.

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The Guardian

President George Bush has told senior advisers that the US and its allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq and that instead of beginning a troop withdrawal next year, he may increase US forces by up to 20,000 soldiers, acc

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The top U.S. commander in the Middle East warned Congress against setting a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, rejecting the arguments of resurgent Democrats who are pressing President Bush to start pulling out.

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Dahr Jamail was living in Alaska when he decided to quit his job, as he says, to buy a laptop computer, camera, and plane ticket to Iraq, where he reported from the war zones in the Mideast for more than a year. He speaks passionately about the effe