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WAR: About that War

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Last week, the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency formally protested "outrageous and dishonest" accusations made by members of the Cheney Cabal about Iran’s Safeguarded nuclear programs.

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Lenanon Daily Star

President Bush is coming under enormous pressure from Israel - and from Israel's neoconservative friends inside and outside the US administration - to commit himself to bombing Iran if it does not give up its program of uranium enrichment -

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Washington Post

The CIA learned in late September 2002 from a high-level member of Saddam Hussein's inner circle that Iraq had no past or present contact with Osama bin Laden and that the Iraqi leader considered bin Laden an enemy of the Baghdad regime,

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Iraqi troops raided an office run by supporters of a radical Shi'ite cleric, unleashing a chain of events that left 2 people dead, 9 wounded and the city of Diwaniya under curfew. U.S. troops reinforced the Shi'ite city, 110 miles south of Ba

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Iraqi security forces will dig trenches around Baghdad and set up checkpoints along all roads leading into the city to reduce some of the violence plaguing the capital, the Interior Ministry said.

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Police found 69 bullet-riddled corpses scattered in and around Baghdad of men killed in apparent sectarian attacks as two car bombs left another 28 people dead. In the past 24 hours, 64 bodies were recovered from across Baghdad, with most of the v

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Ryan R. Jones - All Headline News Middle East Corr

A Baath party official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told WorldNetDaily, "We in the government are 100 percent sure America was behind this attack, which is not the same as other attacks by Islamic groups."

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Islamic militants attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in a brazen attack using automatic rifles, hand grenades and at least one van rigged with explosives, the government said. Syrian security forces killed 3 of the attackers.

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Raw Story (video link)

US Commanders in Iraq have privately expressed the need for an increase of three times the number of troops currently serving in Iraq. Officially, they say "we have an appropriate level of force to do what we have to do within the confines of ou

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The Nation

In our new book, Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War, Michael Isikoff and I quote from that report, and it noted that Saddam's WMD capability was essentially destroyed in 1991. That is the opposite of

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Without doubt, lack of planning and errors in judgment have contributed to the growing insurgency. Violence is increasing in Shia areas as well, and leading figures from that sect are calling for resisting the occupation.

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2,973 - Total number of people killed (excluding the 19 hijackers) in the 9/11 attacks. 72,000 - Estimated number of civilians worldwide killed since 9/11 as a result of the war on terror.

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Washington Post

The clandestine U.S. commandos whose job is to capture or kill Osama bin Laden have not received a credible lead in more than two years. Nothing from the vast U.S. intelligence world -- no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts,

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(As Charles Goyette as mentioned, sounds like the Dems need to go away)Senator Kerry outlined his proposal in comments to the press Tuesday. He said he would try to attach a proposal to add 40,000 troops to the US military establishment

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Senior negotiators for Iran and the European Union reported progress at talks meant to find common ground for resolving Tehran's defiance of a U.N. demand that the Islamic republic freeze uranium enrichment or risk sanctions. In an encouraging

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Daily Press - Virginia

In fact, said Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, Rumsfeld said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a post-war plan.

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A U.S. general in Iraq said he had no proof of Iranians supporting armed militants in his area, which stretches north of Baghdad and borders Iran. The comments from Army Maj. Gen. Thomas Turner follow

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Sports Illustrated

For those who don't receive this magazine, and what to know more about Mr. Tillman, take your time and read this lengthy article about him.

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Christian Science Monitor

"Iran's calculations would be much, much different," says Mr. Sadjadpour. "I don't think in Washington there has been a recognition of the repercussions of the Iraq war - that it has essentially given new life to this regime in

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NY Times

The CIA repudiated the claim that there were prewar ties between Saddam Hussein’s government and an operative of Al Qaeda, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Undercuts continuing assertions by the Bush administration that such ties existed, and that they provided