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WAR: About that War

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by Carolyn Eisenberg (Newsday)

But in the aftermath of the midterm elections, the calls for "phased withdrawal" - coming out of Congress, the Pentagon and the leaky Iraq Study Group - evoke errors of the Nixon years.

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NATO commanders in Afghanistan say the battle against Taliban insurgents is being held back by restrictions placed by alliance nations on what their troops can do on the ground. A NATO summit will aim to do away with such restrictions, known as

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(From the Dec 6, issue) One way to understand Moqtada al-Sadr is to think of him as a young Mafia don. He aims for respectability, and is willing to kill for it. Yet the extent of his power isn't obvious to the untrained eye.

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Washington Post

The innocuously titled Iraq Study Group, which has evolved into a parallel policy establishment over the past 8 months, is also unique in the way it operates. For one thing, it's even more secretive than the Bush adminstration. 40 experts

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Toronto Star(Canada)

A top US military commander says the most disciplined, intense attacks from insurgency forces in Iraq to date are being masterminded by an Iraqi Canadian. Abu Abdul Rahman, who reportedly left Canada in 1995 after marrying an Iraqi woman

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John Roberts, CNN host of "This Week at War", spent a month there,and describes the situation in detail. Finally, a major news outlet is reporting what Dahr Jamail has been reporting for years

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NY Times

A draft report on strategies for Iraq, which will be debated here by a bipartisan commission, urges an aggressive regional diplomatic initiative that includes direct talks with Iran and Syria but sets no timetables for a military withdrawal, accordin

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New York Times

The insurgency in Iraq is now self-sustaining financially, raising tens of millions of dollars a year from oil smuggling, kidnapping, counterfeiting, corrupt charities and other crimes that the Iraqi government and its American patrons have been larg

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by Dahr Jamail with Ali Al-Fadhily (AntiWar)

After 3 1/2 years of occupation, Iraq's medical system has sunk to levels lower than seen during the economic sanctions imposed after the first Gulf war in 1990. The World Health Organization said Iraqis are now extremely vulnerable in their heal

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by Joe Galloway (McClatchy)

We would appear to be trapped between Iraq and a hard place. The Baker commission's options are hardly likely to differ much from Gen. Pace's: Go Strong, Go Long or Go Home.

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LA Times

New tactics favored by US commanders in Iraq borrow heavily from the end of another war: Vietnam. The tactics — an influx of military advisors and a speeded-up handover to indigenous forces followed by a gradual U.S. withdrawal — resemble Vietnam at

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Militiamen grabbed 6 Sunnis as they left Friday worship services, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive as Iraqi soldiers stood by, and 7 Sunni mosques came under attack as Shiites took revenge for the slaughter of at least 215 peopl

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by Robert Scheer (TruthDig)

President Bush has said many dumb things in defense of his Iraq policy. Citing the Vietnam War as a model, however, is perhaps his most ludicrous yet. This past week found the president sitting before a bust of the victorious Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam,

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Democrats have seized on a mandate from the public to alter the strategy in Iraq, mixing tough talk with promises of action. But if voters think a real change in policy is imminent, signs suggest Democrats won't be delivering very much soon.

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Iraq's ramshackle institutions inched closer to collapse last week when militiamen raided the Ministry of Higher Education and kidnapped as many as 140 people who happened to be inside. The Sunni Arab Higher Education minister threatened to close

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Sunni Muslim insurgents blew up 5 car bombs and fired mortars into Baghdad's largest Shiite district, killing at least 161 people and wounding 257 in a dramatic attack that sent the US ambassador racing to meet with Iraqi leaders in an effort to

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NY Times

A bomb intended to kill the contentious speaker of the Iraqi Parliament exploded inside one of his armored cars today while the car was rolling through the fortified Green Zone, trapping members of Parliament inside the legislative building as the Am

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by Bumper Hornberger (FFF)

I could, of course, be proven wrong but my hunch is that the United States will be trapped in Iraq for the indefinite future. Despite the recent election results and increasing demand among the American people for a withdrawal, I believe that there i

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