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WAR: About that War

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NY Times

Thousands of British troops will return home from Iraq by the end of May. Tony Blair will announce that 3,000 troops are to be cut from the current total of 7,200, allowing the military to recover from 4 years of battle that have left it severely ove

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The Independent

Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament within days.

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Mogadishu exploded in violence after insurgents attacked a government barracks during the night and soldiers responded by sealing off large swaths of the city and searching house to house for weapons.

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NY Times

Democratic leaders intend to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, forcing Republicans to take a stand on the proposal and seeking to isolate the president politically over his handling o

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US forces have stormed an Iranian consulate in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil and seized six members of staff. (Holy Shit Batman, we're begging for an all out regional war in the Middle East)

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We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq. (Don't worry, the Democrats will save us from a three front war... NOT!

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ABC News

President Bush's speech may be scheduled for tonight, but the troop surge in Iraq is already under way. ABC News has learned that the "surge" Bush is expected to announce in a prime time speech tonight has already begun. Ninety advan

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By Jeffrey Gettleman - International Herald Tribun

Mogadishu exploded in violence Wednesday morning after insurgents attacked a government barracks during the night. But it is difficult to tell how many people here actually support the growing insurgency against Somalia's transitional government

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NY Times

The American airstrike wiped out a long convoy of Islamist leaders trying to flee deeper into the bush, though he said he did not know if the specific suspects singled out by the US had been with them. “Their trucks got stuck in the mud and they were

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by Dahr Jamail (AntiWar)

Bush needs someone with experience in managing escalations and he needs look no further than this man. It is Negroponte who oversaw the implementation of the "Salvador Option" in Iraq, as it was referred to in Newsweek in January 2005.

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Washington Post

With F-15 fighter jets and Apache helicopter gunships providing cover, U.S. and Iraqi troops battled hundreds of Sunni Arab insurgents firing from apartment buildings and houses in downtown Baghdad in one of the fiercest clashes in the capital in rec

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by Paul Craig Roberts (AntiWar)

The new year began on the hopeful note that Bush's illegal war in Iraq would soon be ended. The repudiation of Bush and the Republicans in the November congressional election, the Iraq Study Group’s unanimous conclusion the US needs to remove its

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Christian Science Monitor

Some experts in Washington are looking beyond the question of US troop levels to what might happen if worst-case scenarios come true. Call it Plan B: How the United States might handle Iraq's partition?

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NY Times

The fighting raged less than 1,000 yards from the heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses both the American command and the Iraqi government. It was the latest episode for the troubled neighborhood around Haifa Street, where major campaigns have r

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by Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily

"I yelled for everyone to run, because the Americans were turning back," said 12-year-old Ahmed who was with 10-year old Yassir. The soldiers followed Yassir to his house and smashed everything in it. "After beating Yassir and his uncl

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Insurgents using simple cell-phone cameras, laptop editing programs and the Web are beating the United States in the fierce battle for Iraqi public opinion.

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

They never learn, and that's why our foreign policy is a recurring nightmare. Unless the American people wake up in time, we are bound to repeat in East Africa the same mistakes we made in the Middle East, with similarly deadly consequences.

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LA Times

Bombers, fighter jets and attack helicopters unleashed a thundering attack today as U.S. and Iraqi troops closed in on a web of irrigation canals east of Baghdad where they thought Sunni Arab insurgents were massing. The predawn strikes shook the