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WAR: About that War

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Denver Post

Because Navajo spiritual law holds that Tallman cannot keep the power and serve his people if he participates in killing, he didn't rejoin Delta Company of the 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion. He applied for conscientious-objector status.

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Information Clearing House

The Bush administration actively supported Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia. It provided money, advisers, and, finally, U.S. warplanes. And there was no justification for Ethiopia's invasion. It was a clear violation of the U.N. charter. The ne

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by David MacMichael (Tom Paine)

The news that NCIS has recommended murder charges be filed against four marines for killing 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha in 2005 saddens and angers this Marine officer and, I am sure, other Marine combat veterans.

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Iraq's prime minister has dropped his protection of an anti-American cleric's Shiite militia after U.S. intelligence convinced him the group was infiltrated by death squads, two officials said. In a desperate bid to fend off an all-out Ame

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Time magazine

Another grim milestone: the arrival of the 500th amputee. Army officials said the victim, a 24-year-old corporal, lost both legs in a roadside bomb explosion on January 12. He was treated at the military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, before landing

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Private security contractor Blackwater USA is seeking $10 million from the attorney representing the estates of four employees killed and mutilated in Iraq, arguing their families breached the security guards' contracts by suing the company for w

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by Ray McGovern (antiWar)

Neither President Bush nor Vice President Cheney have cited any US intelligence assessments to support their fateful decision to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq. Why no intelligence justification this time around? Because there is none.

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by Gordon Prather (AntiWar)

Since the lies "Scooter" Libby is alleged to have told – and the circumstances of their telling – are unlikely to become an issue at trial, it is perhaps worthwhile explicating them a bit.

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By Joseph Galloway (McClatchy News)

Our troops and our military are now in deep trouble. Many of our soldiers and Marines are now pulling their third or fourth combat tours. Those tours are being extended beyond the normal 12 months and the troops' time at home for family and train

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by Tom Engelhardt (Tom Dispatch)

Just over 5 years into the 21st century, and the president, who only 9 months ago was trumpeting his "strategy for victory" in Iraq, now speaks vaguely about "success," or about a "victory," no longer decisive, that

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CBS News

"The proposed solution is to send more troops and it won't work. The addition of 21,000 troops is too little and too late," former Marine Gen. Joseph Hoar said. Hoar once commanded all American forces in the Middle East and has nothing

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The Independent

The desperate plight of children who are dying in Iraqi hospitals for the conditions in hospitals revealed amount to a breach of the Geneva conventions that require Britain and the US as occupying forces to protect human life.

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Iraqi security forces arrested a top aide of fiery Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in a new crackdown on militias as US Defence Secretary Robert Gates paid a visit to the strife-torn country. [hostage taking?]

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By Richard Beeston -

BRITAIN has joined a campaign to strengthen substantially America's military presence in the Persian Gulf in an effort to blunt Iranian influence in Iraq and the region.

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'The most likely point at which petroleum becomes involved in this would be possibly Mahdi Army attacks on US military fuel convoys bringing fuel to US bases up north. That would be pretty serious, you can't run tanks and helicopter gunships

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Oxford Analytica

The strategy is being portrayed as a significant change in direction. However, the "new" plan is almost identical to the current U.S. approach. The problem has been that U.S. troops and the Iraqi Security Forces have been able to "clea

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The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said he wants to extend the combat tours of 1,200 soldiers amid rising violence, and Defense Secretary Gates said he was "strongly inclined" to recommend a troop increase to President Bush if commande

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Times of India

British army intelligence sources have said that terrorists attacking British bases in Basra, Iraq, were using aerial footage displayed by the Google Earth internet tool to pinpoint their attacks. Documents seized during raids on the homes

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NY Times

The way to come to grips with $1.2 trillion is to forget about the number itself and think instead about what you could buy with the money. [Or, you could give it back to the people it was stolen from.]