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WAR: About that War

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The most outspoken critics of the $124 billion wartime spending bill in the House are facing withering support in their fight to defeat it. Many of the liberal colleagues were caving under pressure from Democratic leaders who, have threatened to blo

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by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) (AntiWar)

The $124 billion supplemental appropriation is a good bill to oppose. I am pleased many of my colleagues will join me in voting against this measure. If one is unhappy with our progress in Iraq after 4 years of war, voting to de-fund the war

655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the 2003 US invasion according to a study published in the October 2006 issue of Lancet available at: 40673606694919.pdf

News Link • Global Reported By Thomas Costanzo
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Panarmenian Network

The Turkish army invaded bordering regions of Northern Iraq preparing a large scale operation against Kurdish guerillas, one of Iraqi internet web-sites close to Patriotic Union of Kurdistan reported on Thursday. "The Turkish army with large fo

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Rolling Stone

A panel of experts convened by Rolling Stone agree that the war in Iraq is lost. The only question now is: How bad will the coming explosion be?

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Bring it On

On March 31, 2004 the world was shocked as they witnessed images of four burned bodies hanging from a bridge in Fallujah, Iraq. We were told that these men were American contractors hired to secure food deliveries. The interesting thing was that th

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Inter Action

The situation currently facing Iraqi refugees and internally displaced person has very quickly become one of the most pressing humanitarian crises in the world. Prior to the 2003 US invasion, studies predicted that the numbers of internally displace

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NY Times

While the Bush administration works to stop Iran from meddling in Iraq, Iranian air-conditioners fill Iraqi appliance stores, Iranian tomatoes ripen on the windowsills of kitchens here and legions of white Iranian-made Peugeots sit in Iraqi driveways

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60 Minutes (CBS News)

On Nov. 19, 2005, US Marines killed 24 apparently innocent civilians in an Iraqi town called Haditha. The dead included men, women and children as young as 2 years old. Marines were on a rampage, slaughtering people in the street and in their homes.

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NY Times

In January, when President Bush announced his plans to reinforce American troops in Baghdad, Shiite militias were seen as the main worry. Some analysts predicted that bloody clashes with Shiite militants in the Sadr City district in northeastern Bagh

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Washington Post

[What sacrifice Condi?] Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Americans "to be patient" as the war in Iraq entered its 5th year, acknowledging early missteps but saying "it is worth the sacrifice" to have toppled Saddam Hussei

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was going to be a "cakewalk," the Iraqis would rise up and shower us with rose petals, and Johnny would come marching home in no time. Remember? Besides that, the whole deal would be cost-free, you

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AFP (Raw Story)

For US troops from 9th Cavalry Regiment bumping around the dangerous streets of Baghdad in Humvees after dark, news that their deployment in Iraq could be extended fell like a hammer blow.

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Shiite protesters demanded the removal of a US military base from Sadr City in east Baghdad as US commanders reported a surge of attacks on troops in a province near the capital. More than a thousand unarmed but angry Shiites spilled out of mosques a

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by Joe Galloway (McClatchy News)

When is someone, somewhere in this country going to stand up and demand an accounting for all we've lost in a foolish, unjustified and unnecessary war in the wrong place, against the wrong people, at the wrong time - conducted by a president who

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Dozens of U.S. Stryker combat vehicles roared into Baqouba at sunrise. The enemy was ready. As the dawn call-to-prayer fell silent, the streets blazed with insurgent fire. Within minutes of the start of their first mission in Diyala province a voice

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An Army staff sergeant said he did not order members of his squad to kill three Iraqi detainees as his soldiers have testified. Staff Sgt. Ray Girouard said two soldiers in his squad released and shot the detainees during a May 9 raid near Samarra,

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Boston Globe

The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq has asked for an additional 2,500 to 3,000 troops to be sent to Iraq as part of the Bush administration's military buildup to crack down on rising sectarian violence and insurgents.

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A US Marine charged with murdering 18 unarmed civilians in Iraq, said he regretted the deaths but would make the same decisions today. Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich admitted shooting 5 unarmed Iraqi men in the back and said his actions were justified bec

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Washington Post

The Pentagon released its bleakest assessment of Iraq yet, reporting record levels of violence and hardening sectarian divisions in the last quarter of 2006 as rival Sunni and Shiite militias waged campaigns of "sectarian cleansing" that fo