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WAR: About that War

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American Prospect

Far from vindicating the American escalation strategy in Iraq, recent tensions between insurgent factions and al-Qaeda bolster the case for withdrawal.

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Eric Margolis for

The death six Canadian soldiers in southern Afghanistan reminds us of Santayana’s maxim that those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. On 27 July, 1880, the British Empire suffered one of the worst defeats in its colonial history.

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Suspected Sunni insurgents penetrated the Baghdad security net Wednesday, hitting Shiite targets with four bomb attacks that killed 183 people - the bloodiest day since the U.S. troop surge began nine weeks ago.

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by Paul Campos (Rocky Mountain News)

As I write these words, news reports out of Blacksburg, Va., say that more than 30 people have been shot to death on the campus of Virginia Tech. Consider the Blacksburg massacre in the context of what happens every day in Iraq.

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Washington Post

In the past month, as a new security crackdown in Baghdad began, U.S. forces arrested another 1,000 Iraqis, bringing to 18,000 the number of detainees jailed in two U.S.-run facilities in that country. The average stay in these detention centers i

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NY Times

They maneuver in squads, like the American infantrymen they try to kill. One squad fires furiously so another can attack from a better position. They operate in bad weather, knowing American helicopters and surveillance drones are grounded. Some carr

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A preliminary investigation by the military says U.S. Marines killed or wounded more than 40 Afghan civilians after a suicide attack on a convoy last month. NCIS would decide whether to call courts martial for the troops involved.

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Vice President Dick Cheney says he is "willing to bet" that Democratic lawmakers will back down and approve a war-spending bill that doesn't call for U.S. troops to leave Iraq. Top Democratic leaders shot back that Cheney has lost all p

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Prison Planet

Says Neo-Cons would have created a false flag to justify war had it not been for WTC attack, questions official story. A GOP insider, former Bush 41 speechwriter and close friend of the Bush family writes in his new book that before 9/11, the Neo-Co