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WAR: About that War

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by Ali al-Fadhily (AntiWar)

Demonstrations against the occupation and the US by hundreds of thousands of angry Shi'ites in Najaf, Kut and other cities across the south mark a sharp break from a policy of cooperation. Protesters demanded an end to the U.S.-led occupation, bu

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Columbus Free Press (Ohio)

“We have people in this country who are richer than whole countries,” Kurt Vonnegut says. “They run everything. We have no Democratic Party. It’s financed by the same millionaires and billionaires as the Republicans. So we have no representatives in

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by Joseph L. Galloway (McClatchy News)

A combative President Bush denounced the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate for attempting to substitute their tactical and strategic judgment for that of our military commanders in Iraq. Heaven forbid.

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After 4 years of war, 3,200 American deaths, 23,000 US troops wounded and possibly in excess of 100,000 Iraqis killed, US policymakers are making their worst mistake yet: They may be on a new collision course with Moqtada al-Sadr.

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Independent(Robert Fisk)

Faced with an ever-more ruthless insurgency in Baghdad - despite President George Bush's "surge" in troops - US forces in the city are now planning a massive and highly controversial counter-insurgency operation that will seal off vast

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This week marked the fourth anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein and the liberation of Iraq. On Monday, tens of thousands of Iraqis turned out to celebrate – which, according to one U.S. official, was proof that "Iraq, four years on, is now

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Marine Corps Times

The commander and senior enlisted Marine of the Corps’ first special operations company have been relieved of duty. The firings occurred one month after members of the company allegedly killed 8 civilians after a Marine convoy was ambushed by a car b

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by Larisa Alexandrovna (at-Largely)

Former spook Bob Baer has a tremendous piece in Vanity Fair about the private military now running amok in Iraq, including Erinys. Just to remind you, the former Russian KGB agent - Alexander Litvinenko - murdered with polonium-210 while living in Lo

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The former commander of Iraq's Republican Guard has accused the US of using non-conventional weapons in its war against the Middle East country. Saifeddin Fulayh Hassan Taha al-Rawi told Al Jazeera that US forces used neutron

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AP (kudos ATFSucks!!!!)

In a rueful reflection on what might have been, an Iraqi government insider details in 500 pages the U.S. occupation's "shocking" mismanagement of his country, a performance so bad, he writes, that Iraqis had "turned their backs o

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In 2003, when Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq, a woman named Hamdiyah al-Dulaimi had three handsome sons. They had grown into good men with wives and families. They were the shining accomplishments of her life. In hindsight, it was a much better life th

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Army Times

Rocket and mortar attacks against Baghdad's Green Zone, or International Zone, have increased in the past three weeks after a period of relative quiet, two American military security personnel in the zone said recently. Air Force Senior Master S

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In a rueful reflection on what might have been, an Iraqi government insider details in 500 pages the US occupation's "shocking" mismanagement of his country - a performance so bad, he writes, that by 2007 Iraqis had "turned their b

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Christian Science Monitor

As the Baghdad security plan under Army Gen. David Petraeus moves forward, US and Iraqi forces are apprehending hundreds of insurgents. Many of them are quickly being transferred to the Iraqis for detainment. There's just one problem: The Iraqi j

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by Larisa Alexandrovna (at-Largely)

According to the DOD IG's quietly released second version of Feith (Office of Special Plans) and the gang, we "re-learn" things we had already known, and yet there is still no legal action on the part of the DOD against Feith? Interesti

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by Gordon Prather (AntiWar)

Began formally requesting of Condi Rice, then Bush’s National Security Adviser, an explanation of the use, by President Bush of "fabricated intelligence" to "justify" Bush’s exercise of the highly conditional authority Congress ha

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Tom Paine(Don Monkerud)

The number of US forces involved in Iraq are at least twice the number as those quoted in the media. The adminstration uses a number of deceptions, definitional illusions and euphuisms including counting only "combat forces"

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Despite claims by some critics that the Bush administration invaded Iraq to take control of its oil, the first contracts with major oil firms from Iraq's new government go not to US companies, but to companies from China, India, Vietnam, and Indo

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by Doug Bandow (AntiWar)

There's a certain perverse charm to President Bush's charge that Democrats are "more interested fighting political battles in Washington than providing our troops what they need." These sentiments reflect utter shamelessness and ama

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A year ago, Donald Vance learned what its like to be falsely accused by the US military of aiding terrorists. He was held without charge for more than 3 months in a high-security prison in Iraq, and interrogated daily after sleepless nights without l
