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WAR: About that War

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Washington Post

Captured Iraqi documents and intelligence interrogations of Saddam Hussein and 2 former aides "all confirmed" that Hussein's regime was not directly cooperating with al-Qaeda before the US invasion of Iraq, according to Defense D

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Coming on the heels of a controversial "surge" of 21,000 troops that has stretched the Army thin, the Defense Dept is preparing to send an additional 12,000 National Guard combat forces to Iraq and Afghanistan, defense official told NBC New

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Vice President Dick Cheney repeated his assertions of al-Qaida links to Saddam Hussein's Iraq as the Defense Department released a report citing more evidence that the prewar government did not cooperate with the terrorist group.

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Editor & Publisher

One of the soldiers died just hours after arriving in Iraq—and was one of those troops rushed to the country in the "surge" who did not receive full training. It took another month before the families of the 2 soldiers were told friendly fi

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ABC News

A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005, US and Pakistani intelligence sources tell ABC News. The group, called Jundul

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The Age

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who helped engineer the US withdrawal from Vietnam, says the problems in Iraq are more complex than that conflict, and military victory is no longer possible. He also said he sympathises with the trouble

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The Guardian OpEd

The treatment of Faye Turney is wrong - but not in the same league as British and US abuses. Her comrades have not been shackled, blindfolded, forced into excruciating physical contortions for long periods, or denied liquids and food. As far as we kn

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The monthly death toll in Iraq rose 15 percent in March, government figures revealed, as insurgents and sectarian militias continue to defy a military crackdown in Baghdad. Half the 30,000 troop reinforcements promised by President George W. Bush

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The real deadline for Congress to provide more money for the war in Iraq is well beyond the April 15 deadline cited by President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The Pentagon can take several penny-pinching steps without harming troop read

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The U.S. military death toll in March, the first full month of the security crackdown, was nearly twice that of the Iraqi army, which American and Iraqi officials say is taking the leading role in the latest attempt to curb violence in the capital, s

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NY Times

The two men showed up on Tuesday afternoon to evict Suaada Saadoun’s family. One was carrying a shiny black pistol. Ms. Saadoun was a Sunni Arab living in a Shiite enclave of western Baghdad. A widowed mother of seven, she and her family had been cha

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NY Times

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia told Arab leaders the American occupation of Iraq was illegal and warned that unless Arab governments settled their differences, foreign powers like the US would continue to dictate the region’s politics.

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US News and World Report

Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, a widely respected advisor to the US military, has released a blistering report on the current situation in Iraq. McCaffrey's findings are based on interviews with dozens of officials during a March, 2007, trip to t

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US News and World Report

With suicide bombers continuing to strike targets around Iraq, David Satterfield, the State Dept's point man for Iraq, pointed the finger directly at Syria during a Washington lunch speech today, reports US News senior writer Kevin Whitelaw.

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Suicide bombers killed nearly 130 people in a crowded market in a Shi'ite district of Baghdad and a mainly Shi'ite town, one of the bloodiest days in Iraq in months. [The Surge is working.]

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Shiite militants and police enraged by deadly truck bombings went on a shooting rampage against Sunnis in a northwestern Iraqi city, killing as many as 70 men execution-style and prompting fears that sectarian violence was spreading outside the capit

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The United Arab Emirates, a key US ally, said on Tuesday it would not be involved in any military strike on Iran, but urged the Islamic Republic to avoid regional tensions. "The UAE is an independent and sovereign state that rejects the use of

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Christian Science Monitor

Just two days after British troops pulled out of downtown Basra, Iraq's second-largest city and center of the country's oil-rich south, fighting erupted between rival Shiite groups in street battles. [of things to come]

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The Examiner

The top American general in Afghanistan has expelled a U.S. Marine special operations company for the way the men responded to an ambush March 4, Marine sources said. Maj. Cliff Gilmore confirmed the company of 120 Marines is redeploying.

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Washington, Mar 21 (Prensa Latina) The cost of the wars unleashed by President George W. Bush´s government could exceed $1 trillion by the end of his term of office, a study predicted on Wednesday. The report published by the Center of Defense Inf

News Link • Global Reported By Thomas Costanzo