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WAR: About that War

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NY Times

[cuz someone's gotta be blamed] The White House said this afternoon that President Bush ended his lengthy search for a “war czar” to carry out Iraq and Afghanistan policy by offering the job to an active duty three-star Army general who said in h

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Jordan's king warned visiting Vice President Dick Cheney that time was running out to use an Arab peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to a royal palace statement. He called for a diplomatic solution to Iran's nu

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McClatchy News

There's no accurate count of the missing since the war began. Iraqi human rights groups put the figure at 15,000 or more, while government officials say 40 to 60 people disappeared each day throughout the country for much of last year, a rate equ

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by Scott Ritter (TruthDig)

I joined the American Legion a few years back. As a veteran of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, I was eligible to do so for some time but always hesitated, perhaps out of a sense of trying to deny that my days as an active-duty combatant were long past

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

The news I have for "netroots" types and Huffington Post liberals who see the Democratic Party as the major if not only hope for the antiwar movement can be summed up in two words: forget it. Majority leader Sen. Harry Reid recently let the

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Antiwar Radio

Gen. William Odom discusses the “worst strategic disaster in American history,” the war in Iraq: the view of most generals that the war is wrong, the failure of the politicians to see the consequences of their actions, the centrality of the neoconser

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USA Today

The Iraqi government is refusing to accept most of the U.S.-funded reconstruction projects completed so far, a government investigator told Congress. Iraqi officials had formally taken ownership of only 18% of finished projects when the inspector gen

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The proposal from the upper house of parliament, which also calls for a date to be set for the withdrawal of foreign troops, suggests that Afghan support for the 5 1/2-year international military mission is crumbling amid a series of civilian deaths.

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Washington Post

A U.S. Army brigade commander in Afghanistan yesterday told the families of 69 civilians who were killed or wounded by members of an elite Marine Special Forces unit he is "deeply, deeply ashamed" about the incident, describing the series o

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On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable f

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An air strike by foreign forces killed 20 to 30 villagers, including women and children, in southern Afghanistan overnight, a governor and a witness told AFP. The new claim of civilians dying in operations against Taliban fighters comes after nearly

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Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives will press ahead with a new Iraq funding bill, despite a White House veto threat and a cold Senate reaction to a bill that would dole out combat funds in pieces and force a July vote on withdrawing troop

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Critics of the Iraq war said on Tuesday the Bush administration's failure to replenish vital National Guard equipment sent to Iraq caused Kansas to fall short in responding to last week's tornado disaster, and other states were equally vulner

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There's a children's T-V show in the Middle East that can be said to be a real "Mickey Mouse operation." But the approach is one of indoctrination. Hamas militants have enlisted a figure bearing a strong resemblance to the Disney c

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The Pentagon has notified more than 35,000 Army soldiers to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall, a move that would allow commanders to maintain the ongoing buildup of troops through the end of the year if needed.

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(This will surely make the Sunnis happy) The mosque of Imam Kadhim, the most revered Shiite shrine in Baghdad, is a tempting target for Sunni insurgents. To protect it, Iraqi and US troops rely on the Mahdi Army, the same Shiite militia

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Green Left

Total proposed US military spending for 2008 is larger than military spending by all of the other nations in the world combined. It is•10 times the military budget of the second-largest military spending country in the world, China•larger than the co