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WAR: About that War

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Washington Post

President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S. interests."

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CJR Daily

When war is waged to improve the lives of a country's people, the body count -- the number of those killed as a result of the war itself -- cannot help but be wrapped up in politics. No one who has been trumpeting the American presence in Iraq

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NY Times

[With Iraq gone, Syria is the last safe place in the Middle East for Christians and Jews.] Some 35,000 Iraqi Christians have fled to Syria as a result of death threats by religious zealots since the ousting of former President Saddam Hussein in 2003,

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Missing Links

The Iraqi parliament voted 140 to none to approve the federalism-procedures bill. Or did they? The NY Times said so. But the Iraqi paper Azzaman said the vote was 138 to nothing, representing 50% of the membership + 1

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Daily Telegram

When, in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the retired US Army General Jay Garner was asked to take over the post-war humanitarian mission, he certainly possessed the credentials for the job. Who better, then, for Defence Secretary, Donald Rum

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Bush keeps revising his explanation for why the US is in Iraq, moving from a narrow military objectives at first to history-of-civilization stakes now. Initially, the rationale was specific: to stop Saddam Hussein using what Bush claimed

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Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani once wielded so much influence he seemed to single-handedly chart the post-Saddam Hussein political future in Iraq. Now, the country's top Shiite cleric appears powerless as Iraq edges toward civil war.

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by James Bovard (FFF)

Few subjects generate more official lies than the US government’s devotion to spreading democracy abroad. Iraq has been the largest most recent geyser of such deceits. It is worthwhile to review the opportunism to representative government in Iraq.

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NY Times

Centered around Saddam Hussein’s Republican Palace, a place where members of the Coalition Provisional Authority lived in a shiny bubble cut off from the grim realities of Baghdad, a place where the air-conditioning and electricity worked, where Amer

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NY Sun

A commission formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course has ruled out the prospect of victory for America, according to draft policy options shared with The New York Sun by commission officials.

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A coroner ruled that U.S. forces unlawfully killed a British television journalist in the opening days of the Iraq war. Died after U.S. fire hit a civilian minivan being used as an ambulance and struck him in the head.

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Many Shiites in this southern port city say they want British troops to leave, though the region is still bloodied by a persistent grind of killings, including Sunni insurgent bombings and Shiite-on-Shiite slayings amid a competition for political co

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David Blunkett, the UK's former home secretary, has said that during the 2003 invasion of Iraq he suggested to Tony Blair that Britain's military should bomb Aljazeera's television transmitter in Baghdad.

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LA Times

Insurgents fired a mortar round at a U.S. military base that struck an ammunition supply depot, sparking a series of explosions that shook much of the capital and a massive fire that continued to smolder into the morning, the U.S. military said today

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Suspected Shiite militiamen, some dressed as police, broke into a television station and gunned down 11 Iraqi executives, producers and other staffers Thursday — the deadliest attack against the media in this country, where at least 81 other journali

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[we taught them well] Sunni politicians accused Shiite lawmakers Thursday of using dirty tricks to push through a new law on federalism, a landmark measure that will transform Iraq by allowing Shiites to form a self-rule mini-state in the south.

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More than 2,660 Iraqi civilians were killed in Baghdad in September, according to new Health Ministry figures — 400 more than the month before despite an intensified U.S.-Iraqi sweep aimed at reining in violence.

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New York Times

James A. Baker III, the Republican co-chairman of a bipartisan panel reassessing Iraq strategy for President Bush, said Sunday that he expected the panel would depart from Mr. Bush's repeated calls to "stay the course, "