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WAR: About that War

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London Times

Scores of American troops are deserting — even from the front line in Iraq. But where have they gone? And why isn’t the US Army after them? Peter Laufer tracked down four of the deserters

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It was a movement no one expected, least of all those in it. Hundreds went to prison and thousands into exile. And by 1971 it had, in the words of one colonel, infested the entire armed services. Yet today few people know about the GI movement agai

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Vice President Cheney, seizing on Democratic calls to pull troops out of Iraq, linked early withdrawal to the possibility of terrorist attacks in the US. As Cheney and President Bush try to help Republicans keep control of the Congress, polls show pu

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Philip Sherwell in NYC - The Sydney Morning Herald

Mr Bolton is negotiating with US allies such as Britain and Japan to form its own coalition to freeze Iranian assets abroad and restrict trade if Tehran presses ahead with its controversial nuclear program unpunished by the UN.

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Almost 40 Labour Party members in the constituency of Margaret Beckett, the Foreign Secretary, have defected to the Liberal Democrats because she "sided with George Bush" over the Middle East crisis.

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Washington Post

Lawyers for Murat Kurnaz, a German native released after spending more than 4 years locked up at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said he was mistreated to the end by US military personnel, who kept him shackled and blindfolded until his flight home landed.

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NY Times

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a provocative, if symbolic, gesture by formally inaugurating a heavy-water reactor. The Iranians say the plant would be used for peaceful power generation. But heavy-water facilities are more useful for weapons beca

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The Independent

"This is the truth, please believe me," Mr Habib said, weeping frequently as he described the attack. "I have lost all my family, save one son. God gave them to me, and he has taken them away again; what was my crime, what did I do wro

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The National Priorities Project has calculated the cost of the Iraq war by congressional district, city, state and even household. You owe $1,075. The NPP bills uses government data to illustrate the impact of federal policies on local communities.

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Washington Post

British troops abandoned a major base in southern Iraq on Thursday and prepared to wage guerrila warfare along the Iranian border to combat weapons smuggling, a move that anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called the first explusion

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Jerusalem Post

Israel is carefully watching the world's reaction to Iran's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with some high-level officials arguing it is now clear that when it comes to stopping Iran, Israel "may have to go it alone,

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LA Times

Curling through the desert, wind rattling its marshes, the Tigris once brought so much life to this city, where spices and silks were loaded on wooden boats bound for Basra and beyond. Shiites lived with Sunnis, Christians and Jews, but today, as in

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Iran turned away U.N. inspectors from an underground site meant to shelter its uranium enrichment program from attack, diplomats said, while the country's supreme leader insisted Tehran will not give up its contentious nuclear technology.

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We speak with Willem Marx, a former intern with the Washington-based government contractor, the Lincoln Group. He spent a summer in Baghdad paying to plant pro-American articles secretly written by the US military in the Iraqi press.

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Flowering plants evolved about 100 million years ago. As the planet's climate changed, some plants developed a seasonal strategy to lay low through the winter and bloom in the spring. These plants won't flower until they sense winter has come

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Snipers lurking on buildings and in a cemetery sprayed bullets into Shiite Muslim religious processions in the capital, killing at least 20 people in another spasm of sectarian bloodletting that many Iraqis fear is pushing them toward civil war.

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LA Times

The soldiers crossed paths with an irrigation worker and 2 teenage boys tending ducklings. Bumgarner detained the 3 Vietnamese and marched them to a secluded spot, where he and one of his men opened fire. Then they searched the bodies, removing ident

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Raw Story

The Bush administration continues to bypass standard intelligence channels and use what some believe to be propaganda tactics to create a compelling case for war with Iran, US foreign policy experts and former US intelligence officials tell RAW STORY