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WAR: About that War

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Iran reiterated its rejection Sunday of a deadline to respond to an international offer aimed at resolving a nuclear standoff after world powers said they expected a "clear and substantive response" by mid-July. "A deadline is not an i

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AT least 1009 Iraqis, including civilians, soldiers and policemen, were killed in rebel attacks in June, government officials said today. In May the total number of people killed was 1055, according to statistics from the ministries of interior, d

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US ally Jordan insisted on Sunday that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter remained under its protection despite calls from the US-backed authorities in Baghdad for her extradition. Jordanian Prime Minister Maaruf Bakhit stre

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Six French former inmates of the controversial U.S. military detention centre in Guantanamo Bay went on trial in a French court on Monday, accused of links with a network plotting terrorism attacks. The six, who have all spent lengthy periods in d

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A self-styled Shiite Muslim insurgent group made its public debut in a videotape pledging to fight U.S., UK and other coalition forces but to spare Iraqi civilians and soldiers. "We have been patient enough and we have given the political proces

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London Times

MOST of the detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp no longer face regular interrogation and some have not been questioned for six months or longer, its base commander said. 75% of the 450 inmates were no longer deemed useful intelligence so

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Insurgent attacks in Baghdad have risen despite a recent security crackdown that added thousands of troops and new checkpoints to the streets of Iraq's capital, a U.S. commander said. "I think since we have started Operation Together Forw

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Yannone blog

The Americans took Qasim, his wife, and their daughter Hadil and put them in one room of their house. The Americans shot Qasim, his wife, and their daughter in that room. They pumped four bullets into Qasim’s head and five bullets in to Fakhriy

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Osama bin Laden will address the fight by Islamic militants in Somalia and Iraq in an upcoming Internet message, a Web site said Friday, just hours after the al-Qaida leader released a rare statement that praised the slain Iraq insurgent leader Abu M

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The U.S. military is investigating whether U.S. soldiers raped an Iraqi woman and then killed her and three members of her family south of Baghdad, officials said on Friday. Following are some details of cases against U.S. troops:

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Washington Post

The U.S. Army is investigating allegations that American soldiers raped and killed a woman and killed three of her family members in a town south of Baghdad, then reported the incident as an insurgent attack, a military official said Friday. The a

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After a Supreme Court decision overruling war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees, President Bush suggested Thursday he would seek Congress' approval to proceed with trying terrorism suspects before military tribunals.

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Eleven Sunni insurgent groups have offered an immediate halt to all attacks including those on American troops if the United States agrees to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq in two years, insurgent and government officials told The Associated Press

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Sir No Sir

You really want to end the war in Iraq? Get the soliders who are fighting to stop fighting. Here's is the untold story of soliders who decide to stop fighting the war in Vietnam. Hope this comes to a area near you.

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The Pentagon on Thursday reaffirmed the need for the Guantanamo prison even though the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the system of military tribunals put in place to try the prisoners. The prison commander had earlier said such a ruling would not af

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Seattle Times

Lt. Ehren Watada couldn't be called a media figure, but the Hawaii-born officer who refused to deploy with his Fort Lewis unit has done his bit to court the press. Part of the public exposure is designed to protect Watada from potentially harsh m

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As new reports detail further abuse by the U.S. military of its prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a behind-the-scenes battle is being fought between the U.S. Departments of State and Defense about whether a key section of the Geneva Conventions shou

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At least 50,000 Iraqis, mostly civilians, have died violently since the 2003 U.S. invasion, according to statistics from the Baghdad morgue, the Iraqi Health Ministry and other agencies, the Los Angeles Times reports today. This is "a toll 20,00

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Nuri al-Maliki's reconciliation plan includes an amesty for fighters and opposition figures who have not been involved in "terrorist" activities. He said however, that killers would not escape justice. "The plan is open to all th

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Iraq's government clamped a state of emergency on Baghdad and ordered everyone off the streets after U.S. and Iraqi forces battled insurgents armed with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades and rifles near the heavily fortified Green Zone.