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WAR: About that War

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By Cam Simpson - Chicago Tribune

While much is still unknown, including whether there were any substantive ties between the alleged trans-Atlantic plotters and senior al-Qaida leaders hiding in Pakistan, current and former senior U.S. intelligence officials say Pakistan clearly serv

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Look ... what we ought to be doing is fighting the war on terror in a serious way. I think we've gotten a little bit complacent, to tell you the truth. Maybe we've had a wake-up call in the last couple of days."

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Asia Times

Israel has argued that the war against Hezbollah's rocket arsenal was a defensive response to the Shi'ite organization's threat to Israeli security, but the evidence points to a much more ambitious objective - the weakening of Iran's

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The soldier who triggered the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal by sending incriminating photos to military investigators says he feared deadly retaliation by other GIs and was shocked when Defense Secretary Rumsfeld mentioned his name at a Senate he

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Christian Science Monitor

The White House, and in particular White House advisors who belong to the neoconservative movement, allegedly encouraged Israel to attack Syria as an expansion of its action against Hizbullah, in Lebanon. Israel's "leadership balked at the s

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The Australian

MILITARY police investigating the death of Private Jake Kovco prepared in advance large parts of witness statements that were later signed by members of the dead soldier's unit in Iraq. One of those soldiers told a military board of inquiry these

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[No wonder you are losing the Falklands.] British troops in Iraq are overstretched, ill-equipped and underpaid, and the strain of fighting two big wars at once threatens its military effectiveness, a parliamentary committee said.

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London Times

American officials have said that the attack, in which airstrikes were carried out on the densely populated Shia slum, targeted a specific cell responsible for murdering Sunnis. When the troops went in, however, they triggered a two-hour battl

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Almost 2,000 bodies [!!!!] were taken to Baghdad's morgue in July, the highest tally in 5 months. Morgue assistant manager said 90% had died violently. "Most of the cases have gunshot wounds to the head. Some of them were strangled and other

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60% of Americans oppose the US war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results. 61% want some troops withdrawn from Iraq by year's end.

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London Times

Iraq’s Sunni Vice-President, is forming a unit of the National Guard that will act as his personal bodyguard and fend off attacks against Addumiyah, a Sunni district surrounded by overwhelmingly Shia districts.

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NY Sun

The government of Iraq is secretly holding a Baathist cabal of military officers it claims attempted a coup against Prime Minister al-Maliki. The plotters were rounded up July 5 with the help of American military authorities after the Iraqi

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LA Times

Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the Supreme Court's ruling that accused war criminals must be tried, as the Geneva Convention requires, in "a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispens

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LA Times

[future cops] The witness, Cpl. Brandon Helton, said that when he arrived at the house where the detainees had been held, the prisoners were "running at full sprint" with their blindfolds down. Helton said the soldiers fired and one detaine

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LA Times

The men of B Company were in a dangerous state of mind. They had lost five men in a firefight the day before. The morning of Feb. 8, 1968, brought unwelcome orders to resume their sweep of the countryside along Vietnam's central coast.

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The newly married Magaoay thought a military career would allow him to continue his college education, help his country and set his life on the right path. Less than 2 years later, Magaoay became one of thousands of military deserters who have chosen

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"Several aerial and ground raids began in central Sadr City. We can see several houses on fire." ... could see two houses ablaze and "there's gunfire from all sides. We can hear women and children screaming," he said.

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Iraq's Ministry of Defense on Sunday confirmed the arrival of the first units of the 172nd Stryker Combat Team from the northern city of Mosul after U.S. soldiers were seen patrolling in some of the capital's predominantly Sunni western distr

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Stryker Brigade blog

On July 26th, after a year, the 172nd Stryker Combat Brigade prepared to end their deployment in Iraq. The following day, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld extended the 172nd Brigade's deployment to go fight the insurgency in Baghdad.