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WAR: About that War

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President Bush wants to push a bill through Congress this fall to allow trials of suspects held at the US naval facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after the court said the military commissions Bush set up were not in accord with US or international la

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Nearly 6,000 civilians were slain across Iraq in May and June, a spike in deaths that coincided with rising sectarian attacks across the country, the United Nations said. Describes a wave of lawlessness and crime, including assassinations, bombings,

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The United States government continued yesterday to monitor developments in Lebanon, but the only practical measure it took was sending a task force to Beirut to plan the evacuation of U.S. nationals should that become necessary. Regarding the war

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A suicide bomber pulled his van into a busy market, lured labourers with job offers and blew himself up, killing scores in one of the worst attacks in Iraq since the new government was installed in April. The blast in the Shi'ite city of Kufa

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Gunmen killed over 50 people in an attack around a crowded market in a violent town near Baghdad, one of the bloodiest incidents in Iraq this year. Local officials and residents in Mahmudiya, as well as the U.S. military whose troops were later on

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The FBI initially sought terrorism suspect Jose Padilla’s cooperation to help prevent what intelligence sources indicated might be an imminent al-Qaida attack, an FBI agent testified. Padilla refused and was later implicated in an alleged radioactive

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Seattle Times

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. Gingrich said that Bush should call a joint session of Congress and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been h

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The Army’s top uniformed officer said he did not think the US was losing the war in Iraq but declined to say the nation was winning. Americans should brace for a long fight against terrorism, said Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army’s chief of staff.

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NY Times

Israel may need to prolong its offensive in Lebanon to further reduce the threat from Hezbollah, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said today, as some Democrats called on her to travel to the region immediately to help defuse the crisis. Ms. Ric

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The Independent

The Afghan government has alarmed human rights groups by approving a plan to reintroduce a Department for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the body which the Taliban used to enforce its extreme religious doctrine.

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Washington Post

U.S. Comptroller General David M. Walker told Congress last week that "massive corruption" and "a lot of theft going on" in Iraq's government-controlled oil industry is hampering the country's ability to govern itself.

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Iran said that Western incentives to halt its nuclear program were an "acceptable basis" for talks, and it is ready for detailed negotiations. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice responded that Iran should talk directly to negotiators if

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BBC News

British forces in Afghanistan have defended their decision to call in US planes to drop 500lb bombs on a town. They had been under constant attack for the past 2 weeks and the Taleban fighters were close to overrunning the base when the US air

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Washington Post

Israel has sent troops into Gaza and Lebanon over 3 captured soldiers. The US and its allies set a collision course with Iran over its nuclear program. And there is mounting concern that Iraq's sectarian violence is crossing into a full civil war

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Christian Science Monitor

In the Pentagon memo that officially extended the protections of the Geneva Conventions to detainees in the war on terror included this: "... existing orders, policies, directives, executive orders, and doctrine comply with the standards,"

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Siding with the White House, top Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee said they favor writing into law the special military trials for suspected terrorists that the Supreme Court rejected. Bush administration officials urged Congress to

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Donald Rumsfeld met Iraq's government after his top general in the country told him Shi'ite "death squads" were fuelling a surge in communal bloodshed. The Iraq Prime Minister told lawmakers Iraq had one "last chance" to a

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The investigative arm of the US Congress has openly questioned if victory in Iraq can be achieved without a significant overhaul of President George W. Bush's strategy, arguing the outcome of the war was presently "unclear".

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Salt Lake Tribune

Recent headlines from Iraq are ugly: Marines charged with murdering civilians.... If these atrocities are carefully investigated, the likely deficiency may be sufficient command leadership and discipline. A recent book "Tiger Force" is a do

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Raw Story (link to report)

Documents delcassified by the Pentagon to a civil liberties organization show that inmates at Guantanamo Bay have been "systematically tortured," RAW STORY has learned. The Center on Constitutional Rights' 51-page "Report on Tor