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WAR: About that War

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Chris Floyd

What happened in the village of Abu Sif (Isahaqi), north of Baghdad, on Ides of March? The murk of war – the natural blur of unbuckled event, and its artificial augmentation by professional massagers – shrouds the details of the actual operation. But

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London Times

UP TO 150 Islamic radicals have travelled from Britain to Iraq to join up with a “British brigade” that has been established by Al-Qaeda leaders to fight coalition forces. Senior security sources say leaders of the Iraqi insurgency have set up a “for

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Boston Globe

The Pentagon reported that the frequency of insurgent attacks against troops and civilians is at its highest level since American commanders began tracking such figures 2 years ago, an ominous sign that, despite 3 years of combat, the US-led coalitio

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Associated Press

US soldiers have shot and killed a pregnant Iraqi woman and her cousin while they were driving to a maternity hospital north of Baghdad. Iraqi police said the 2 women were travelling to hospital when their vehicle came under fire from the Americans.

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President Bush vowed to punish any US Marine guilty of shooting Iraqi civilians at Haditha but Iraqis, including the prime minister, complain that US troops have killed elsewhere with impunity. "There is a thorough investigation going on. If ...

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Los Angeles Times

The first is of the body of his best friend and fellow Marine blown apart just after dawn by a roadside bomb. The second is of the lifeless form of a small Iraqi girl, one of two dozen unarmed civilians allegedly killed by members of his Camp Pendlet

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Time magazine

Sparked by a TIME report published in March, a U.S. military investigation is probing the killing of as many as 24 Iraqi civilians by a group of Marines in the town of Haditha last November. Several Marines may face criminal charges, including murder

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San Francisco Chronicle

It is hard to tell how many Iraqis have left their homes in the past three months, during which sectarian killings have reached new heights. Iraqi immigration officials estimate that between 90,000 and 100,000 families have been displaced, most of th

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Associated Press

With a new Iraqi government in place, Iran is positioning itself to play a major role here at a time when American influence is showing signs of faltering. That is worrisome to Iraq's Arab neighbors, especially Sunni-dominated countries such a

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In response to insurgent activity in western Iraq, the US military is deploying 3,500 reserve troops from Kuwait to the area, The Washington Post Report. The soldiers will deploy in Anbar province, where Sunni tribal leaders had been cooperating wit

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Washington Post

Military investigators piecing together what happened in the Iraqi town of Haditah on Nov. 19 -- when Marines allegedly killed 2 dozen civilians -- have access to video shot by an unmanned drone aircraft that was circling overhead for at least part o

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Much of the Somali capital was engulfed in bloody fire fights. By all accounts, a jihadist militia of the so-called Islamic Courts Union was gaining ground on an alliance of secular warlords who have received U.S. backing. Observers say the Union has

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Detroit Free Press

A cameraman and a soundman for CBS were killed and a CBS correspondent was seriously injuried after their convoy was struck by a roadside bomb in Iraq, the netword said. Veteran cameraman Paul Douglass 48, and soundman James Brolan 42 were killed

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Washington Times

Since the US invasion of Iraq more than 3 years ago, as many as 1 million Iraqis have fled to Jordan to escape lawlessness or to find jobs. The flight has created an exile community that is well in evidence at the Mecca Mall, where mnay of Amman

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Sunday Times

PHOTOGRAPHS taken by American military intelligence have provided crucial evidence that up to 24 Iraqis were massacred by marines in Haditha, an insurgent stronghold on the banks of the Euphrates. One portrays an Iraqi mother and young child, knee

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Washington Post

Witnesses to the slaying of 24 Iraqi civilians by U.S. Marines in the western town of Haditha say the Americans shot men, women and children at close range in retaliation for the death of a Marine lance corporal in a roadside bombing. Aws Fahmi, a