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WAR: About that War

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Christian Science Monitor

A few months after reports indicated that Iraqi university professors and academics were fleeing the country because of violence and kidnappings, now the middle class in Iraq also wants to leave. More middle class Iraqis seem to be "doing everyt

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Associated Press

Whole neighborhoods are lawless, too dangerous for police. Some roads are so bomb-laden that U.S. troops won't use them. Guerrillas attack U.S. troops nearly every time they venture out - and hit their bases with gunfire, rockets or mortars when

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Zogby Poll (PR Web)

The poll is the first scientific survey of Americans' belief in a 9/11 cover up or the need to investigate possible US government complicity. 42% believe there has indeed been a cover up and 45% think "Congress or an International Tribunal s

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Associated Press

Boeing Co. unveiled a line of small, lightweight bombs that the US Air Force will use in urban combat situations like the war in Iraq. The small-diameter bombs weigh 250 pounds and can be used by all Air Force bombers. Planes can carry about four tim

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The US military has given troops in Iraq a laser device to "temporarily" blind drivers who ignore warnings at vehicle checkpoints. Intended to prevent civilians from being shot. "There have been numerous incidents that tragically have

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Dahr Jamail directs us to this interview

"Jessie Macbeth, a Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All - This 20 minute interview will change how you view the U.S. occupation of Iraq forever. I cannot possibly recommend this more highly." -

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10 Guantanamo prisoners lured US guards into a cell with a staged suicide attempt, then attacked them with light fixtures, fan blades and other improvised weapons while guards fired rubber balls and used a grenade launcher to subdue them,

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By Malcolm Moore in Rome -

Romano Prodi, Italy's new prime minister, pledged yesterday to pull Italian troops out of Iraq, saying that the war had been a "grave mistake" which could make "the whole region explode".

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ABC News

[How can this be, since we have been in charge for over three years?] Malnutrition among Iraqi children has reached alarming levels, according to a UN-backed government survey showing people are struggling to cope three years after US-forces overthre

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Associated Press

Iraq's incoming prime minister said he will unveil his Cabinet to parliament this weekend, the first sign that the country may finally be moving ahead with a national unity government after weeks of wrangling. There are hopes that sharing power s
