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WAR: About that War

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The Independent

A military investigation has reportedly concluded that US Marines embarked on the "methodical" killing of two dozen Iraqi civilians - including women and children - in what may be the worst incident of its kind since the 2003 invasion.

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Daily Telegraph

A 4-man team of US Marines led the killing rampage in the Iraqi town of Haditha which resulted in the deaths of 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians, military investigators believe. The troops went from house to house shooting their occupants after a roadside

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More than 1,100 British military personnel who have deserted since the start of the Iraqi war remain missing. Figures for those who remain absent without leave are 86 from 2001, 118 from 2002, 134 from 2003, 220 from 2004, 377 from 2005, and 189 for

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London Times

NEARLY 3,000 British soldiers have gone absent without leave every year since the start of the Iraq war, with more than 1,000 of them still missing. The numbers evading capture by the Royal Military Police have risen sharply since the invasion of Ira

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Los Angeles Times

Comparing his role fighting terrorism to President Truman's leadership at the beginning of the Cold War, President Bush told hundreds of new Army officers they were entering a "great struggle" destined to persist long after he leaves of

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Associated Press

Haditha is not the only case pending: The military announced an investigation into allegations that Marines killed a civilian April 26 near Fallujah. Iraq's ambassador to the UN accused the Marines of killing his 21-year-old cousin in cold blood

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Much of the Somali capital was engulfed in bloody fire fights. By all accounts, a jihadist militia of the so-called Islamic Courts Union was gaining ground on an alliance of secular warlords who have received U.S. backing. Observers say the Union has

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The Independent

More than 60 minors, some as young as 14, have been held as prisoners at the US detention facility for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a London-based human rights group claimed in a report published.

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The Guardian

The White House ruled out previously authorised direct talks between Tehran and the US ambassador in Baghdad, which were to have focused on the situation in Iraq. The move marks a hardening of the Bush administration's position, despite pressure

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Los Angles Times

[What's one more death squad?] Marines wantonly killed unarmed Iraqi civilians, including women and children, and then tried to cover up the slayings. Criminal charges, including some murder counts, was expected, which would make the

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Iran has decided not to take up an offer from Washington of direct talks over the future of Iraq for the time being, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said. "The American side tried to use this decision as propaganda and they raised so

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New York Times

Foreign minister Zebari said that Iraq does not want "any of our neighbors to have weapons of mass destruction." But"the right of the republic of Iran and the right of any other state to have scientific and technological abilities to r

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Many secular Iraqis have been expressing their displeasure with the new Iraqi government that was sworn-in and introduced with much fanfare by politicians in Washington, Baghdad, and London. "All Iraqis know this government is totally irrelevant

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Senior US officials silently condoned harsher methods at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and one general urged guards to use dogs to the "maximum extent possible" to control detainees, witnesses said. Soldiers were acting on orders from their

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CBS News

[It certainly was for Christians and Jews.] Many Iraqis think conditions have gotten so bad in their country, they'd like to see Saddam Hussein back in power, according to some of the seven young Iraqi men who had a candid discussion with The Ear

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ABC News

Even after being cleared of any wrongdoing, 5 innocent men were kept captive at the detention center at Guantanamo. Today, these men who started out in China and ended up in Cuba are now free and in the Eastern European country of Albania, the only c

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Boston Globe

What are national leaders to do when they attack to thoroughly discredit another country or mount an attack when a provocation is lacking? "Casus belli" is defined in my dictionary as (1) "an event or combination of events which is a

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The Jerusalem Post

Iran conducted a test launch Tuesday night of the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching Israel and US targets in the region, Israel Radio reported.

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Arctic Beacon

The video about Army Ranger Jesse Macbeth produced by Pepperspray Productions has been removed from the web site. When accessing the site at , a picture of a big blue globe of the earth appears. When doing a google under video.go
