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WAR: About that War

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Washington Post

Details of the plans are secret, but in general they envision a significantly expanded role for the military -- and, in particular, a growing force of elite Special Operations troops -- in continuous operations to combat terrorism outside of war zone

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Washington Post

The Pentagon is engaged in an extensive buildup of military forces in Asia as part of a covert strategy to strengthen and position U.S. and allied forces to deter -- or defeat -- China. The buildup includes changes in deployments of aircraft-car

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Washington Psot

With the expected passage this spring of the largest emergency spending bill in history, annual war expenditures in Iraq will have nearly doubled since the U.S. invasion, as the military confronts the rapidly escalating cost of repairing, rebuilding

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Independent Online

Jack Straw has warned Cabinet colleagues that it would be illegal for Britain to support the United States in military action against Iran. But Tony Blair has backed President George Bush by warning that ruling out military action would send out a **

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The Nation

More than 428 private contractors have been killed to date in Iraq, and US taxpayers are footing almost the entire compensation bill to their families. "This is a precedent-setting case. Just like with tobacco litigation or gun litigation, once

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Washington Post

A military judge in Washington yesterday ordered prosecutors to produce Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller as a defense witness in the trial of a military dog handler accused of abusing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the first time a general

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USA Today

The U.S. military said Sunday that four Marines died over the weekend. In the first half of April, 48 American troops died in Iraq, according to Pentagon statistics. In March, 30 U.S. forces died in Iraq, the fewest in a month since February 2004.

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Associated Press

Military officials are investigating two clashes in which Afghan civilians and police may have been killed by U.S.-led coalition forces, authorities said. The U.S. military has begun an inquiry into Saturday's deaths of 7 Afghan civilians after A

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Robert Dreyfuss for

Missing from the discussion over Iraq in the United States is the growing likelihood that the Bush administration will escalate, not de-escalate, the war.

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Newsweek - By Evan Thomas and John Barry

What made a chorus of ex-generals call for the SecDef's head? The war over the war—and how Rumsfeld is reacting.

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As petrostates around the globe exert increasing command over their energy assets, Iraq is on the verge of ceding theirs to the control of American and British oil companies. If all goes as planned, the oil giants will have performed the heist of the

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The News International

The United States began planning a full-scale military campaign against Iran that involves missile strikes, a land invasion and a naval operation to establish control over the Strait of Hormuz even before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, a former US

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Associated Press

The fortress-like compound rising beside the Tigris River here will be the largest of its kind in the world, the size of Vatican City, with the population of a small town, its own defense force, self-contained power and water, and a precarious perch

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Time magazine

Negroponte told TIME that 3 dozen or so of the worst al-Qaeda terrorists held in secret CIA prisons are likely to remain in captivity as long as the "war on terror continues." He added, "These people are being held. And they're bad

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by Gareth Porter (

A military assessment of the Iraqi insurgency in late 2004 concluded that it had the active support of millions of Sunnis who rejected the legitimacy of a U.S. installed government, according to Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, who led all coalition forces in

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Agence France Presse

The brigade whose job it is to protect the oil fields and pipelines suffers from a lack of equipment and the questionable loyalty of some of its members. At one time, the pipelines snaking throughout the countryside were protected by tribal levies

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Brad Blog (MP3 interviews)

As David Swanson at reported minutes ago, there have been 14 arrests in Crawford, TX where Cindy Sheehan and supporters are again camping out in the original location where they took up camp last Summer. Though Cindy's s

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The Guardian

British officers took part in a US war game aimed at preparing for a possible invasion of Iran, despite repeated claims by the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, that a military strike against Iran is inconceivable. The war game, codenamed Hotspur 200

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US SECRETARY of Defence Donald Rumsfeld allowed an "abusive and degrading" interrogation of an al Qaeda detainee in 2002, the online magazine Salon reported overnight, citing an Army document. In a report a Pentagon spokesman denounced

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