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WAR: About that War

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The House of Representatives has passed a bill barring the U.S. military from establishing permanent bases in Iraq. The 2007 Defense Authorization Act, approved by the House Wednesday, includes language sponsored by Democratic war critic Rep.

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Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday they have no evidence that Iraq produced chemical weapons after the 1991 Gulf War, despite recent reports from media outlets and Republican lawmakers.

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Raw Story

Republican Congress members claimed late today that evidence of weapons of mass destruction hidden by Saddam Hussein had at last been identified in Iraq. Republican Congress members claim that evidence of Saddam's WMD have been identified

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Christian Science Monitor

Before Haditha, there was Sadr City. Before the recent allegations that marines rampaged from house to house last November, killing women and children, there was the 2004 courts-martial of soldiers charged with killing 7 men in a garbage truck in Sad

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President Hamid Karzai criticized the U.S.-led coalition's anti-terror campaign, deploring the deaths of hundreds of Afghans and appealing for more financial help for his government. [It's good our puppet doesn't have oil, or we might car

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Washington Post

Former defense secretary William J. Perry has called on President Bush to launch a preemptive strike against the long-range ballistic missile that U.S. intelligence analysts say North Korea is preparing to launch.

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Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge said the war on terror is likely to last for generations, much like the Cold war. "I don't know if anyone in the 1950s thought the Cold War would last close to half a century, but it did," Ridge

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BBC News

Three Afghan policemen have been killed after US-led coalition troops shot at their vehicle by mistake in eastern Kunar province, the US military says. The coalition troops fired on the unmarked vehicle at a checkpoint,

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The Austrialian

(What is happening to the coalition of the willing?) The Labour Party has called for the immediate withdrawal of Australian troops in southern Iraq following the Japanese Government's decision to recall its reconstruction taskforce.

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Iraqi police have accused the US military of killing 15 farm workers during a raid north of Baghdad. But the US Army says the dead men were all insurgents who had opened fire on soldiers during an operation in the area. In a statement, the US mili

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Public service announcements have changed a lot. They now include exploding cars, flying Matrix-style stuntmen and exceedingly dire messages like "Don't Suicide Bomb." The ad is slated to air as a 60-second spot on Iraqi television this

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Financial Times

The Bush administration sought to distance itself from remarks by the Iraqi national security adviser that he envisaged a significant reduction in US troops in the country this year with most leaving next year.

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The Australian

THE level of violence in some areas of Iraq is worsening dramatically and US forces may soon be asked to leave by the Iraqi Government. Former US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage has given a gloomy assessment of the situation. "The

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More than 100 employees of Iraq's ministry of industry were kidnapped by gunmen north of Baghdad as they left work in a brazen reminder of the country's dire security situation. The abduction came on the same day the body of one of deposed

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Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist declared that "surrendering is not a solution" in Iraq as Democrats embraced a proposal to start troop withdrawals this year, setting up an election-year showdown in the GOP-controlled Senate. "We c

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Three U.S. soldiers were charged with premeditated murder after being accused of shooting three detainees north of Baghdad on May 9 and then threatening to kill a fellow soldier if he told the truth about the incident, the U.S. military said.

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Washington Post

Italian prosecutors requested the indictment on charges of murder and attempted murder of a U.S. soldier in the fatal shooting of an Italian intelligence agent in Baghdad _ a case that saw the agent mourned as a national hero.