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WAR: About that War

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"I thought it was crazy," said Carlson, who has found himself protecting convoys on Iraq's dangerous roads as part of a New Jersey National Guard unit. "Never in a million years did I think they would call me back."

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Washington Post

The Marine officer who commanded the battalion involved in the Haditha killings last November did not consider the deaths of 24 Iraqis, many of them women and children, unusual and did not initiate an inquiry, according to a sworn statement he gave t

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The Guardian

Turkey and Iran have dispatched tanks, artillery and thousands of troops to their frontiers with Iraq during the past few weeks in what appears to be a coordinated effort to disrupt the activities of Kurdish rebel bases.

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The Guardian - Michael Howard in Qandil Mountain

Scores of Kurds have fled their homes in the northern frontier region after four days of shelling by the Iranian army. Local officials said Turkey had also fired a number of shells into Iraqi territory.

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In the dusty plains of western Iraq, al-Qaida is gaining strength. Daily attacks against U.S. and Iraqi forces are on the rise, and there is little sign of progress in persuading the population to support the national government. U.S. commanders ackn

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Israel wants the Turkish military to impose an air and ground embargo to prevent Iran using Turkish territory to send arms to resupply Hezbollah, a senior Israeli security source said on Thursday. (So, lets get the European nations to do the same)

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LA Times

Seeking to counter the White House's depiction of its Middle East policies as crucial to the prevention of terrorist attacks at home, 21 former generals, diplomats and national security officials argue the administration's "hard l

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Gentleman's Quarterly

In 2004, an American soldier stationed at Abu Ghraib handed a CD full of incriminating photographs to the Army Criminal Investigation Division. The soldier's name was Joe Darby. For this act of courage, he was vilified by his fellow soldiers, his

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Iran will hit Tel Aviv with its medium-range missiles if attacked. Iran's Shahab-3 missiles with a range of 1,240 miles, are capable of hitting Israel as well as U.S. military bases in the Gulf. This was a disgraceful defeat for America and the Z

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hailed Hezbollah in its fight against Israel, describing resistance against the "enemy" as legitimate. "I say to all those who accuse Syria of taking the side of the resistance that this is, for the Sy

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Arab commentators welcomed the fragile calm between Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas but said they feared a UN-brokered truce would not keep the guns silent for long. "The war in Lebanon may stop, but I doubt it, for never in history has Israel r

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Middle East Times

[Moonies] It is an "open secret" in Washington US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "wants to extricate himself from Iraq" but President George W. Bush "remains resolute," thus the US hangs on, a US investigative reporte

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Butler Shaffer - for

All that is required is for each of us to put the faces of our children and grandchildren alongside the image of the state and ask ourselves: which am I prepared to sacrifice for the sake of the other?

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The Stressblog(Scott Horton)

We've tried it the War Party's way for about 5 years now, and, with the newest suicide bomb plot, at long last the ridiculous lies that our enemies are a finite number of "Islamic fascists" who hate us for our freedom has finally fi

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By Cam Simpson - Chicago Tribune

While much is still unknown, including whether there were any substantive ties between the alleged trans-Atlantic plotters and senior al-Qaida leaders hiding in Pakistan, current and former senior U.S. intelligence officials say Pakistan clearly serv

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