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WAR: About that War

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Christian Science Monitor

"Iran's calculations would be much, much different," says Mr. Sadjadpour. "I don't think in Washington there has been a recognition of the repercussions of the Iraq war - that it has essentially given new life to this regime in

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WCSH-TV (Portland,ME)

(You can't make this stuff up) A serviceman stationed in Iraq is home with his wife and kids.... sort of. Specialist Troy Gardner is still in Iraq, but his face follows around his family all day. His family is part of the "Flat Daddy Pr

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Bill Sardi(Lew Rockwell)

Someone once told me that politicians use war to hide economic depressions. That war-making artificially relieves unemployment, boosts productivity and helps to invent new technologies. Wars also distract the citizenry away from the failings

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by Sanjay Suri (

[we're losing the war] The Taliban have regained control over the southern half of Afghanistan and their frontline is advancing daily, a group closely monitoring the Afghan situation said in a report.

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by Dahr Jamail (

The U.S. military has lost control over the volatile al-Anbar province, Iraqi police and residents say. The area to the west of Baghdad includes Fallujah, Ramadi, and other towns that have seen the worst of military occupation, and the strongest r

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Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the office of intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce. The most recent Iraq NIE, produced two years ago, was gen

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Two U.S. warplanes accidentally strafed their own forces in southern Afghanistan, killing one Canadian soldier and seriously wounding five others, NATO and the U.S. military said. A British soldier attached to NATO was also killed

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San Francisco Chronicle

As the war in Iraq winds through its fourth year, more and more soldiers and Marines are cycling in and out of that country. It's difficult to find a Marine at Twentynine Palms who has not been there at least once. Many have been there twice or m

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Although mindful of his dependency on US military power, Maliki is keen to be seen winning independence from Washington. The Shi'ite prime minister was pushing for guarantees that his forces would have freedom to make decisions independently.

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LA Times

The leader of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq threatened secession as a dispute over flying the Iraqi flag intensified. Massoud Barzani ordered the country's national flag to be replaced with the Kurdish one, sparking harsh words in Baghdad.