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WAR: About that War

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Over a dozen Iraqi journalists are being prosecuted under a broad new set of laws criminalizing speech that ridicules the government or its officials, some resurrected verbatim from Saddam Hussein’s penal code.

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Paul Sperry (AntiWar)

The media missed the real story regarding the National Intelligence Estimate of the global terror threat. It's not what's in the declassified executive summary of the report – Iraq – it's what's absent from it – Afghanistan, where the

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NY Times

The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, according to a new book by Bob Woodward

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Washington Post

A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independe

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by Pat Buchanan (

Those who know him best say that George Bush is not a man to leave office with such a legacy. He will go to war first, even if no one goes along. Lest we forget, it is not President Bush who decides on war or peace. The Congress is entrusted with

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Al Jazeera

Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi president, has asked for a long-term US military presence in Iraq, saying his country needs two permanent US air bases to deter what he calls foreign interference. The bases would be most welcome in Kurdistan

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The soldiers of Brave Company knew that their quarry was here, somewhere. They could hear the Taliban fighters radio one another as they tracked every step the Americans took through the rutted tracks, the mud-walled compounds

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by Ivan Eland (

President Bush's director of national intelligence, is now busy undermining a National Intelligence Estimate that concluded that the US invasion of Iraq has worsened radical Islamic terrorism around the world. He previously had approved the docum

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A teacher for more than three decades and an advocate for women's rights, Safia Ama Jan ran an underground school for girls during Taliban rule. On Monday, two men on a motorbike gunned her down as she left for work -- identifying their target de

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LA Times

The Green Berets of ODA 2021 were on high alert as their convoy rumbled down the winding, rutted road that day in March 2003. The team had been tipped that armed men loyal to the notoriously volatile warlord Pacha Khan Zadran lay in wait around the b

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Thurman said that the Iraqi government had failed to supply six Iraqi army battalions - roughly 500 soldiers in each - to reinforce the streets of the capital.

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Like everything associated with the invasion of Iraq, the military board of inquiry into the death of Private Jacob Kovco has become a fiasco laced with lies and cover-up. On April 21, Kovco, aged just 25, became the first Australian soldier to die

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T Christian Miller LA Times

WASHINGTON — The Army Corps of Engineers improperly created fake entries in government ledgers to maintain control over hundreds of millions of dollars in spending for the reconstruction of Iraq, according to a federal audit released Friday.

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Richard Simon - Julian E. Barnes, LA Times

Military defense lawyers assailed compromise legislation for interrogating and prosecuting terrorism suspects. Proposed rules would prevent learning whether evidence used was obtained through coercion or torture.

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The Army is stretched so thin by the war in Iraq that it is again extending the combat tours of thousands of soldiers beyond the promised 12 months — the second such move since August. "The Army is coming to the end of its rope in Iraq," sa

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A new classified US intelligence report has concluded that the war in Iraq has helped spawn a new wave of Islamic radicalism and made the overal terrorist threat worse, leading US newspapers has reported. The findings in the National Intelligence Es

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McClatchy News

A new report on human rights violations in Iraq documents how devastatingly easy it is to die here - and how increasingly difficult it is to live. The report, prepared by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, said a breakdown of law and

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France, Pakistan and the United States have said a report Osama bin Laden has died of typhoid was unconfirmed, while Paris was probing how the intelligence brief it was based on came to be leaked.

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Jon Basil Utley(Antiwar)

Two interesting reports explain in detail why America simply cannot win wars against guerrila terrorism. A Washington Post report details the conflict between Special Forces and regular Army units in Iraq. The Special Forces officers and sergeants